In the studies of the various health insurance shows the tendency for a long time. Now it is a government report with a long time of observation, occupied a quasi-official: In Germany, more and more Workers drop out due to mental illness. The resulting absenteeism to rise dramatically. Of the 668 million work days, the Employees were missing in the past year due to illness on the Job, went to 107 million on the account of mental Suffering such as Depression or Burnout. Within ten years, has doubled the number of the Psyche caused missed days.

How big is the Problem?

musculoskeletal disorders (150.4 million days of absence), have pushed mental Suffering, the reasons for absenteeism, the report of the Federal government to the state of the “safety and health at work”. The resulting loss of production are estimated to be approximately 12.2 billion Euro, equivalent to 0.4 percent of gross national income. The Psyche is, in the meantime, life is the by far the most common cause of early departure from the work. Because of mental disorders 71303 people went last year as incapable of work in retirement. The were 43 per cent of the early Retired. It cancers follow with a Disability rate of 13.1 percent, muscular – and skeleton diseases, 12.9, and diseases of the circulatory system, 9.3 per cent.

Why mental Suffering to take so strong?

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For example, because more and more Workers have over their working hours, by e-Mail, SMS or phone available. The go “with a worse health Situation of the employees”, – stated in the government report. Only 34 percent of the workers, which permanent availability is not expected, could turn off at your leisure, really. In the case of other employees, it was 55 percent.

What are the factors that add to this?

This Job-insecurity, Anger on superiors or colleagues, poor pay. And above all: the work of compaction. A current DGB – study, agitation, and time pressure will determine the daily work of millions of workers in Germany. 52 percent reported. Almost every worker, and every third employee complained about requests that are hard to reconcile with each other. Especially Employees that have a lot to do with clients, patients or children, are charged to the survey, according to. As a Central stress factors, requirements, high amount of documentation, lack of staff, called it a lack of time, too high expectations of the clientele. More than one-third of respondents, with their own feelings while working behind the mountain. Almost one in five reported conflicts, one in Ten of condescending treatment. In addition, also considered to be a high stress factor – feels half of the employees in such jobs are not adequately paid.

Even more drastic, the results of an Online survey of Pronova BKK from April of this year. Accordingly, nine out of ten workers feel stressed and every second has the feeling to be on the verge of a Burnout. Six out of ten respondents complained about typical Burnout symptoms such as persistent fatigue, inner tension, sleep disturbances, frequent back pain. The reasons most often constant time pressure (34 percent), emotional Stress, by customers or patients (30 percent), Overtime and bad work environment (29 percent). Constant accessibility to every Fourth under Stress.

What is with the way to work?

Also plays a big role. Commuters, for example, are considerably more likely to have mental health problems than Workers with a short commute to work, as a study by the techniker Krankenkasse occupied. Your absenteeism because of mental Suffering, were almost percent higher. As a stress factor on the road have “the same value as the constant accessibility by Smartphone, Facebook & Co”.

Who meets it?

The most sick Employees in the health sector to be written, social service professions and public service. In mining or agriculture, there is not even half as many sick days with this diagnosis, as it says in the absenteeism Report of company health insurance funds. Also the age plays therefore a role. While nine out of 100 people would have written about 50 because of the mental Suffering of the sick, be it in the 20 – to 30-Year-old just six. In addition, times with such diagnosis in the Elderly, with an average of six weeks had failed almost twice as long as in Younger.

What is the role of improved diagnosis and the removal of taboos play mental Suffering?

A considerable. According to the opinion of Franz Knieps, Director of the BKK Federation, the increase in the Numbers anyway. Mental disorders would not be like today, only faster and more often treated than in the past. The company should also be sensitised for this Problem, those Affected would be less stigmatized heavily and in this respect, rather than Ill registered. However, hauling according to the company, more than to any third party with mental health complaints to work instead of sick leave. In the case of physical illness of Employees remained more at home, say experts.

What to do?

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The unions want to devote the particular negative effects in social and interactive Called more attention to it. Many companies had not arrived “yet sufficiently that of modern screen-can cause jobs to stress and diseases”, says the SPD politician Björn Böhning, the Secretary of state in the Ministry of labour. The Green by the government. Beate Müller-Gemmeke, in the groups, the spokesperson for workers ‘ rights, calls for such a regulation about how employers and works councils together solutions against “any Form of Stress”. In addition, it must conditions, “finally an end to the precarious and insecure employment”. On another aspect, namely the connection between absenteeism and corporate culture, refers to the Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO). The experts ‘ findings is clear: anyone Who feels in the work, with the objectives of the company are identified and experienced, that his employer is standing behind him, is sick less often. In fact, only one in seven Employees experience an emotional attachment to his company, as a Gallup study from the beginning of 2018 occupied. 14 per cent have cancelled, therefore, on the inside. And 71 percent do in your Job, only “work to rule”.