two and a half years, they were the liberators, now they are defenseless: The Kurds in the North of Syria are the victims of treason in the United States.

comment by Moritz-tree stieger Moritz tree stieger

Moritz tree stieger, Born in 1982, studied political and Islamic studies in Cologne. Before and after training as an editor at the Deutsche journalistenschule in longer study visits in Egypt and Israel, including a trip of several months with a rickety VW Bus on the land up to the border to Sudan (and back again). From 2010 until mid-2016 as a freelance author with focus in Reportage and travel on the road a lot and won several awards. Since then, as an editor in the Department of foreign policy (with a focus on the middle East) back in his home city of Munich. To find on twitter as @tree stieger.


Manbij was to follow in August 2016, to a world-renowned icon: The place with once 75 000 inhabitants, was the first major town in Northern Syria that has been liberated by the Kurdish-led Anti-IS militias. After almost two and a half years reign of terror of the Islamists burned the women there, their hated veil, laughing men with the beards was based on the open road, each other. And even those who had never smoked, pafften now happy in front of the cameras: tobacco had been prohibited under the jihadists strictly, therefore, the people celebrated their newfound life with cigarettes.

Almost two and a half years later, Manbij back to the icon. A new force moves in the city, a new time starts. The liberators of 2016 are become by the withdrawal of the United States defenseless and pull back out of fear of an attack by the Turkey. Bashar al-Assad is allowed to hoist the Syrian Flag over the city.

the cheering images there are from Manbij, as yet, no – is celebrated especially in the presidential Palace of Damascus. The Assad camp is adore the city in the future as the place where the last stage of the reconquest of Syria. For the Kurds, but also for the Arab population that lived here in the past two and a half years in relative peace, Manbij now a Symbol of treason: the place where the consequences of a hasty and irresponsible withdrawal decision by Donald trump for the first time showed.