“the War that will never end” sounds like a cliché, but the hit still something essential because we are never in doubt about which war it is speech about. The war that will never end is our war as it was fought during the second world war. Books about the war seems not to end, they are as repercussions from the great storm and the waves against us again and again. Ever new generations allow themselves to engage and provoke.

just Look this year’s best-sellers where the father and daughter Michelet dominate. The war and thus krigslitteraturen invoke something in the depths of our existence. The sixth and final volume in Jon Michelets works about marine hero called “the Warriors return”, a well-chosen title. My thoughts are certainly going to Homer and the hero Odysseus’s long journey home from Troy. War is the literature mother.

deadlines to draw lines to the flood of kriminallitteratur, which does not seem to end, and as constantly surprises with new names and new releases.In 1946, Aksel Sandemose “The past is a dream”, a psychological novel good as any, steeped in wildness and hevntanker. Here you will find the well-known sentensen about that murder, and love is the only thing that is worth to write about. As the best in the kriminallitteraturen also opens the good krigsbøkene for the psychological depth perception in the human mind.

A year best and most talked about books are the novel “Lexicon of light and dark” where Simon the Stranger with great literary talent poses a critical question: What if you you have to thank evil for your good life? The author brings up the story of his own in-laws, and with Fredrik Wandrups words in the Newspaper written one of the best novels about the arrest of the Norwegian jews during the war.

Simon Stranger with the strong report from did last house Dagbladet Plus

In a language which glows and crackle tells the Stranger – here with their own riveting words – the story “about a very special villa in the outskirts of Trondheim. A story so makaber, and the ugly that I first did not believe it was possible, for this calis blends our shared family history with the story of Henry Oliver Rinnan, a young man that ended up to be one of the worst nazis in Norway. A house with the nickname of B. ‘Bandeklosteret.'”.

In sharp contrast to the war’s ultimate evil, we live our peaceful lives in the world in “the world’s richest countries”. What should “ironigenerasjonen” or the “new obedience” – those who are born with equality, the bicycle helmet and knee pads? Yes, what they should think and do now that the war is won and the country rebuilt? In the “Naive Super” named by Dagbladet, together with precisely “The past is a dream”, one of the 25 best books of the last 25 years, writes Erlend Loe about a young man who ends up in existential crisis because he lost a krokketkamp against his brother.

I choose among this year’s books that deals with the second world war, the truly great and action-packed drama, it must be “Arnhem – the battle for the bridges. 1944”. Anthony Beevor, our time most successful krigskronikør, speaks this time about fallskjermkrigen in the Netherlands took aim at a decisive hijacking of the bridges that led towards the lower part of the Rhine. By joining the allies, risked the occupied Dutch people – not unlike us in the Uk – to lose everything.Again this. As a reader in the face with the war’s ferocity set yourself on trial: What you have done? Had you fought or fled, spoken or fell silent? We can all dream, and to judge whether the bygone, it is krigslitteraturens magic.

Marte Michelet has rolled a hand grenade into the tale about the German occupation Comment