underestimate the Ständerat Roberto Zanetti, the Initiator of the clean water initiative does not want to. On The Contrary. “She’s like Armin Capaul,” says the Solothurn SP politicians about Franziska gentlemen from the Bernese Wiedlisbach. The people you get on very well, and your concerns meet as Capauls Hornkuhinitiative a nerve, says Zanetti.

at Least in this early stage of the debate, the Initiative is with an approval rating of 68 percent, a majority, as a Tamedia survey this summer. Similar to great support for the second pending agricultural initiative, which is striving for a Switzerland without synthetic pesticides.

The drinking water initiative, in January of this year submitted, calls for nothing Less than a paradigm shift in agriculture: The farmers, the pesticides, should, in the future, receive no direct payments or subsidies more. The same is true for those farmers who treat their animals prophylactically with antibiotics, and their diet on feed imports. The Initiative will provide the people “with healthy food and clean drinking water”. The farmers ‘ Union to combat the concerns vehemently.

pulse of the BDP Council of States

councillor Zanetti agrees with the target in full, as he says, but the way “some researchers”, for screwing up this but the farmers of the future. The social Democrat is in the racks ätlichen environmental Commission (Urek) for a counter-proposal to the Initiative. Without effective measures to reduce the pesticide use, Zanetti, will he support the Initiative.

a bourgeois politician has Launched the proposal in the Urek with Werner Luginbühl. It was the BDP-Council has raised in the last meeting, the question of whether or not a counter-proposal to the Initiative, serious consideration should be given. So Luginbühl penetrated in the bourgeois-dominated Commission. The Urek have given in the administration of the first investigations in order, confirmed Luginbühl information of this newspaper. Like Zanetti, the BDP-politician is convinced that the Initiative is simply a reminder of a real Problem – the high level of pesticide exposure in Switzerland, her approach was “relatively extreme and one-sided”.

As one might look counter-proposal is only in Outline recognizable. Sure but it would be milder than the drinking water initiative and more stringent than what the Federal Council is proposing. Penultimate week, the state government has warned of the “harmful” consequences of the Initiative for the agriculture, among other things, because by the complete absence of pesticides and bought-in forage production on many Farms, would strongly decrease.

threat of the green liberal

The people’s initiative, acknowledges the Federal Council, to take important concerns – concerns, of course, that the Federal government follow yourself already with agricultural policy measures, e.g. the action plan on plant protection products. The Federal Council now wants to intensify these efforts, within the framework of the reorientation of the agricultural policy, starting in 2022 (AP 22+), the consultation process since November runs. It is planned, according to the Federal Council, to promote the renunciation of plant protection products reinforced with direct payments, or proof of ecological performance (PEP) only plant protection products to allow a low risk to the environment.

But this Plan is about the stock of SP and Green is also controversial. The green liberals are accusing the provincial government to push the pesticide problem. The GLP wants to make a counter-proposal in the Parliament. “We cannot continue to invest billions of francs in agriculture, if these polluted our soils and waters,” says group leader Tiana Moser. After the presentation of the green liberals need a counter-proposal about a ban for particularly toxic pesticides, as well as a grippy steering levy on pesticides, and in comparison to the proposal of the Federal Council – is significantly more stringent requirements on the PROVISION in the pesticides. The Federal Council and the Parliament should refuse, to support the green-liberal Initiative.

The keepers about the quality of drinking water, the drinking water Association (SVGW), and hold the proposals of the Federal Council, also to be inadequate. “If the agricultural policy, as the Federal Council, is also intended to solve the recognized problems of agriculture with respect to water and drinking water protection, are much more effective measures for the reduction of the material inputs necessary,” says SVGW-Director Martin Sager.

Tricky situation

The drinking water Federation has been requested in the spring, the Initiative had a substantial counter-proposal. Behind the demand is also a tactical Consideration: The clean water initiative will probably arrive at the beginning of 2020 to the vote – at a time, therefore, since the Parliament will have ruled on the AP 22+ hardly definitely. SVGW-Director Sager considers it questionable, whether, after a possible no Vote in the referendum on the Initiative of the well planned water conservation measures will survive in the context of the AP 22+ the Parliament advice.

Without a counter-proposal with the help of effective measures will consider, according to Sager, the drinking water Association, to support the people’s initiative – a scenario to avoid Ständeräte as much as possible. The Council of States Luginbühl of the BDP keeps the Initiative is exactly that for “dangerous”: because even experts äugelten so sweet of you to support you.

withdrawal no subject

The plans outlined for a counter-proposal, the initiators did not impress. The Initiative, seems unlikely. “A counter-proposal would have to be very, very easy to grip and faster to act as the Initiative”, says Initiator Franziska gentlemen. But so far, such was not foreseeable and thus not an issue for the initiator.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.12.2018, 23:45 PM