After the detection of forgeries by the Ex-“mirror”-author Claas Relotius “mirror”editor-in-chief Ulrich Fichtner and sheet maker, Matthias Geyer, your work to rest for now. The case Relotius have raised the question of whether the Two were still wearable. This is the designated “mirror”editor-in-chief Steffen Klusmann said in an internal Letter to the employees of the “mirror”group, the AFP news Agency on Friday evening that was about it.

Accordingly, Fichtner Relotius had led “to the ‘mirror’ discovered”, and Geyer gave him “a permanent employee and to last,” Klusmann. Both had “offered to make their Items available to”, if he consider it necessary.

“I think, however, that responsibility you should take then, if one has to blame something,” wrote Klusmann. However, he did not want to dismiss the case Relotius “easily done”. For this he was “too big and too dangerous”.

a reminder of the new chief

Klusmann wrote that he had arranged to meet, therefore, with Fichtner and Geyer, their new contracts once to suspend, and to let it rest, until the Commission had completed the inquiry into the scandal of their work.

The designated editor-in-chief warned all the employees to the current crisis divide. “A number of colleagues have asked me in the past few days, to ensure that the Causa Relotius will not need to pay old bills in the house, miss,” wrote Klusmann. “I’m afraid you’ll have to also carry self-concern.” The staff have it “to pull together in the Hand, out of the crisis the right conclusions – or to fumble it a maximum”.

The “mirror” had announced a week ago that the 33-year-old award-winning Journalist Relotius reports had, in whole or in part, systematically falsified. He invented this characters, quotes and events or the biographies of real-life protagonists distorted. Relotius wrote for the publisher since 2011, almost 60 texts and has also worked for other media . The Hamburg-based magazine said a comprehensive workup. (sda)

Created: 29.12.2018, 03:20 PM