With its surprising announcement to withdraw all American troops from the North of Syria, had triggered US President Donald Trump last week, a military race: the Kurdish people’s defense units YPG without US support, not in all of those areas will be able to have you released from the terror militia Islamic state, seemed to any observer to be clear. It was unclear, however, what war would succeed, the party first to take advantage of the new situation capital.

Turkey considers the YPG a terrorist organization, whose Autonomy is at risk in Syria, indirectly, the own national unity. With an Intervention from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens, therefore, already for a long time, the last of his army moved more troops and equipment to the border with Syria – the Invasion seemed to be only a matter of time.

In the big part of the Islamist rebel-held areas in Northern Syria, in turn, fighters who want to expel the secular Kurds, at least from the majority of the Arabic-inhabited areas. And from the South, the Syrian has set ruler Bashar al-Assad to his troops in motion: at the beginning of the uprising, he vowed, “to want every inch of Syrian soil” re-conquer. What is the sound of 2011, world debt, might be now, after almost eight years of civil war in the reach.

“in Front of a Turkish Invasion

” Since Friday morning, the first leg of the race seems to be in Northern Syria: “We invite Syrian government forces to take control in areas from which our forces have withdrawn,” wrote the Kurdish people’s defense forces on Twitter. So you wanted to protect the areas “in front of a Turkish Invasion”.

Dear Assad as Erdogan, a decision had been indicated in the past few days, was repeatedly reported about negotiations between the Kurds and the Regime in Damascus. So far, the talks had failed, however, to different ideas about the future of Syria: While the Kurds have demanded a Federal system, at least part of their current De-Facto autonomy in a post-war order, she says, insists the Assad Regime on a strictly Damascus-oriented Central government.

Erdogan looks surprised

In the course of Friday, the first photos appeared in the network, then the Syrian government troops in the area around the majority of the Arabic-inhabited town of Manbij to show the areas located outside of the Kurdish settlement West of the Euphrates. On other pictures the Flag of the Syrian government was to see, the blew next to YPG flags on public buildings. The authenticity of the images to document the invasion of Assad’s army, could not be confirmed independently, also, the US army is not expressed. If you still stationed soldiers in the city, or have already deducted, is unclear.

While Recep Tayyip Erdogan was probably one of the few people who were informed in advance about trump’s withdrawal plans, the first public response by the Turkish President on the latest developments surprised: “We know that the Syrian Regime takes a psychological push under,” Erdogan said to Turkish journalists in Istanbul. They had raised their Flag, “but certainly nothing is.”

Erdogan pointed out that a high-level Turkish Delegation, consisting of Foreign and defence Ministers, the intelligence chief and his closest adviser, Ibrahim Kal?n – for Saturday a trip to Moscow planned. In the discussions there, it is about the future of the situation in Syria after the announced withdrawal of U.S. troops.

After these consultations, it is planned according to the Turkish government of a conversation between Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin – whether in a personal encounter or on the phone was still open. It might be less harmonious than the last time between Ankara and Moscow, since Russia has welcomed the message from the invasion of Syrian troops in Manbij on the Friday immediately – without the consultations with Ankara to be seen. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was a “positive step” that could help “stabilize the Situation”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 28.12.2018, 17:02 PM