December and January are popular rejsemåneder for ferieglade danes, who will take the frost and cold out, with the warmer climes to the south, but it is also an extremely good period of time for burglars to go on tyvetogt in the empty home filled with new expensive christmas gifts.

Although the number of burglaries during the christmas season, according to the DR has decreased by 45 percent since 2015, according to figures from the national Police, to the police on a national scale yet no less than 434 reviews of burglaries in the days from the 20 to 25 december this year.

Therefore it is a good deal to ensure his house or his apartment as best as possible before you set off abroad.

The australian media au has talked with found the My Home Watch to get an insight into the mistakes homeowners often make, which make their homes easier to break into for thieves.

See the errors below:

– You may as well put a big sign above an unlocked front door, where it says: ’Come and steal from me’.

How does this sound from a security company, when they tell one of people’s most common mistakes, when going on holiday: Namely to let their rise stand outside their house and thus give indbrudstyven a helping hand to climb into the windows high up.

– If you own a ladder, so be sure that you store it in your garage or in a shed, says the security researcher Natasha Morgan.

It is a clear sign to burglars that the house is empty, if there are large amounts of unopened mail at the front door.

it is Therefore advised Natasha Morgan, asking its neighbor or a friend for help to empty the mailbox, while you are on holiday.

Yet another thing you must remember before you set off on your holiday, is to empty the garbage cans out front of his home, since the waste can give burglars a taste of what they can look forward to.

If there r.ex. is tom computeræske or boxes from other expensive electronic gadgets, so it can greater motivate the thief to break, and therefore have sikkerhedseksperten to hide the ’evidence’ on the same expensive things as well as possible.

– never Leave boxes from newly purchased stuff in the bin on the sidewalk so everyone can see them, says Natasha Morgan to the australian media, and continues:

– The best thing you can do is crush them together and put them down in a black garbage bag or to run directly to the dump with the boxes.

the High hedges and large shrubs can be used as cover for burglars lurking around your home, and therefore points to the security guard, it is a good idea to trim bushes, trees and hedges, before you venture on holiday.

– The bigger your plants are, the easier it is for people to come into your home, says Natasha Morgan.

A extremely good piece of advice from sikkerhedseksperten is to be careful what you write on social media. Especially if you have an open profile.

while it is nice to share his feriestunder with his family and friends, then there is a risk that you at the same time announces to a completely wrong person, that your house is empty.

– don’t Write where you are going and how long you will be away. It is perhaps tempting to keep your friends up to date, but it can also signal to potential thieves that it is time to turn to, says Natasha Morgan and continues:

– Even if you only are Facebook friends with your real friends, then you can never know you sure, who sees with. So keep these moments private, or wait at least to share them, you’re at home again.

also, keep in mind to get your home to look as ’live’ as possible, even if it must stand empty for a period, so it from the outside is difficult to judge whether someone is home or not.

– Burglars say they often turn to in the houses where they have observed, that the light has been off for at least two days. Today, there are smart security systems for the home, which can help to make it look like someone is home, says sikkerhedseksperten to the and continues:

– Some systems can turn off and turn on the light several times a day, and on the way you can really cheat the thieves.

According to Natasha Morgan, it is important that you store small valuables, as many thieves are not interested in having to lug all for the great swag such as television.

in Addition, she points out that it is a good idea to store important papers with personal information such as credit card information, and the like.