The British government Bay to prepare for a fair exit from the European Union (EU) apply to the ferries for the more than 111 million Euro. Thus, the supply of the country should be secured, if due to the newly introduced border controls traffic between the island and the EU falters. Thus, delays in the delivery of essential Goods should be avoided””.

in addition to rented ships calling at ports in southern England such as Portsmouth, Poole or Plymouth, informed the Ministry of transport. It was an emergency measure. “Even if we continue to work, that it comes to a resignation agreement, we are preparing for all scenarios.”

Currently, approximately 16’000-load run daily cars between the Northern French city of Calais and Dover in the South of England. They transport, among other things, food, medicines, or industrial goods. Should the EU exit will be introduced in three months, border control, is expected to be long traffic jams on both sides of the English channel.

“Complete madness”

The contracts with the French Britanny Ferries, the Danish company DFDS and the UK’s Seaborne shipping company were negotiated without the usual invitation to tender. The Ministry of transport established the “extremely urgent emergency” due to “unforeseen events”.

The chief of the opposition liberal democratic party, Vince Cable, called the approach “total madness”. The government could stop the disordered Brexit at any time, instead, would be issued on the last-minute public funds in the millions.

Mays fierce quarrel with Blair

proponents of a second Brexit referendum had from the beginning of December, a non-partisan Petition with more than a Million signatures to the British government. Prime Minister Theresa May rejects a second Brexit Referendum.

advocates of a second vote, the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, May had delivered an extraordinary public dispute. Blair’s call for a second Referendum was “an insult to the office he held once, and of the people, which he once served,” said May.

Blair responded promptly and described it as “irresponsible”, to the members of the British house of Commons, forcing the EU negotiated Brexit agreement. “It would be sensible to allow Parliament to all offered forms of Brexit vote.” There is no agreement, should again be the people interviewed.

EU emergency measures prepares

the UK is leaving on the 29. March 2019, the EU. An agreement on a regulated outlet was prepared. Currently, there is no Chance, but a required majority in the British Parliament for the agreement. Prime Minister Theresa May had to be postponed a scheduled vote in mid-January.

Video – Labour leader announces a motion of censure against May Jeremy Corbyn has announced a motion of censure against the Prime Minister, because she wants to leave in January about the Brexit Treaty to the vote. (Video: Reuters)

The British advance, therefore, their preparations for a Brexit without agreement. So there is a design for a future immigration system. In addition to 3500 soldiers are to be mobilized, to be on any emergencies after a hard Brexit prepared. British Brexit advocates see in the most recent measures are the first steps to a “controlled” exit without an agreement.

the EU has Also adopted a number of emergency measures in the event of a disorderly exit of great Britain. The package of measures the EU has 14 areas in which a disorderly exit “would create large disturbances for citizens and businesses”, say it in a message. This includes tariff and trade provisions, air transport, climate policy and Finance. Brussels assured British citizens that they would retain their right of residence on the continent, provided this approach is based on reciprocity. (hvw/sda/afp)

Created: 29.12.2018, 14:55 PM