”The queue out of the way, Eero and women will come.”Video Eero Oh, tell me, how to meet new people.

“You’re more of a person and man than any here.” “Is it Eero at least the right height.” The first line uttered a neighbouring table sat a woman, when he asked to join Eero Herrasen, 34, and his friends followed the tampere in the bar. It is suitable for. The woman left for the night Herrasen home and continue the journey in the morning.

the Second line blurted out Herrasen the troupe belonged to a woman, when full-length you guys were wondering how to a little more than a meter in length mr. sella is accompanied by several beautiful young women. Many men were embarrassed by the fact that the Jesus wheel on the dance floor four or five women with and sat on the terrace of beautiful women in the middle.

based on the Length might not believe that the tampere actors Oh, and, inter alia, the Finnish funny man movie star is popular among women. Over ten years ago, his nickname of Tampere nightlife in porn coyote. “The queue out of the way, Eero and women came,” said the bouncer, when Jesus arrived, usually four or five women with the scene.

– I Enjoy life and I was on the track often only women. I’m a social person and enjoy a lot of nightlife. A year was four or five. Two years summer was one big party. Prop myself ignored, God says.

porn coyote was familiar to the half-humor invented by the nickname.

I’m used to hug people and my best friends have always been women. I hate watching hockey and smell bad at home.

in Hindsight I guess God estimates that he was even oversexed.

I got the ego boost, since adolescence I had been difficult.

the Longer he is similar to cost of care.

Eero Oh has starred in, inter alia, Finland, the funniest man in the movie and Donna’s series. EMMI oksanen sex messages Facebook

oh my God is a lived part of her childhood and teenage years in Germany. He moved to Finland in the age of the advent of the early 2000s. Life seems to start hard.

in Germany, my essence did not cause similar reactions as in Finland. In germany, I’ve never been asked, for example, paper, such as Finland.

Puberty with the advent of the 12-13-years old, the Lord was afraid, what his life becomes.

I was told, for example, that to me is going to be difficult to get a summer job.

the 17-year-old Jesus was a first-time summer job. He worked as a magazine salesman and did very well.

nightlife in ended, when the God fell in love with. It started five and a half year relationship. Oh, was this woman also engaged. He has also been in two other relationships. Sex number of partners to God does not want to tell you, but admit yes, that they have accumulated more than middle-aged Finnish men, the median amount. The median is 7-10.

He gets young women, but also for direct sexual suggestions Facebook.

– the Messages started to come again after the pause the beginning of the year, when Donna series will start spinning on tv. At first I was a bit confused, because I don’t approach strangers myself so directly.

oh my God is not stuck to the sex proposals.

I’ve always answered no or not answered, that strangers can send such messages. Manners should be.

EMMELINE OKSANEN”Women are a godsend to society”

How the women of the popularity achieved? Firstly, women have to Herrasen view to appreciate.

Women are a godsend to society.

with Them should also be your own charming self.

– If you try to be something other than it is, is not good. Dare to be yourself. For example, the sexiness comes from the people inside. If you’re hot, it is reflected outward. Also, it’s not a bad thing to say compliments to others. If any of the women I find pretty hair or a pretty dress and shoes in tone on tone, say it out loud. I believe that people are delighted by the compliments.

Also, the flirtation worth Herrasen view to learn.

I don’t want to despise men, but I’m sure 99 percent of men will go to a nightclub with an attitude that the hunt yökumppania, when you should go to have fun.

oh my God believes that his social is a big strength. The dating sites he does not use.

I usually Make a better impression face to face.

Though iskemiskulttuuri and nightclub behavior is Herrasen think that Finland superficial.

– the pairing of looks like a bar in a very superficial and the appearance of the key. Women are really dressed up and the men pörhisteli like male birds mating dance. For example, in France and elsewhere in Europe is not like this.

oh my God is spent in Finland and Germany in addition to a lot of time, inter alia in France and Spain.

“I Guess I, too, have their own taste”

oh my God is currently pleased with the single. Nightlife in the rotation, he is no longer a hobby just as hard as it used to be.

I Got the attention I needed. I realized that the physical of my being not to prevent the woman in the relationship.

Oh, identify yes very idea that the man should be the woman bigger.

I was Younger I thought of myself that way. My brother asked me why I don’t date Eero short stature women. I guess I, too, have their own taste.

Fortunately, not all women stereotype of care, and for God anymore.

Women seem to think size up as a positive thing. A relationship is, however, essential to get along with and on my worst day and tylsimmässä in everyday life.

the Case is initially published in may 2018.

EMMELINE OKSANEN emmi.oksanen@iltalehti.fi