the night before christmas eve slept Troels Kløvedal after a prolonged illness.

Danish well-known – 23. dec. 2018 – at. 16:36 john eliot Gardiner is dead

In the decades he has taken us danes to the sea, when he has travelled around the world’s oceans in Nordkaperen. He has given us all a glimpse of the fairy tale in countless television programs and books.

Thursday 3. January will be the navigator buried from the Church Holmens kirke, who, very appropriately, is with the socket in the Kløvedals favorite item in Holmens Kanal in Copenhagen. It informs his son Mikkel Beha Erichsen for Extra Magazine.

the Funeral will take place at 12 o’clock.

Danish well-known – 23. dec. 2018 – at. 18:16 Kløvedals last words: – I am a very happy man

It was also Mikkel Beha Erichsen, who on Sunday told Politiken that his father had passed away.

He fell asleep so quietly and peacefully, as he had wanted. And as he had feared, that he should not come to, because the illness may well mean that you can’t breathe, said the popular tv host.

john eliot Gardiner has for two years been aware that he suffered from the incurable nervelidelse ALS and lungesygdommen bronkiektasi.

‘That I shall die is completely safe, and most die after a few years, but for me, the question is, whether it is about two months or half a year. I hope that I die of my lungs, before lammelserne begin to manifest themselves. The purely bodily acts I, but my lungs are very sick, and I’m talking very, very weak and very unclear’, reports he in the book ‘Mature men’ from 2016.

Danish well-known – 23. dec. 2018 – at. 17:55 It is to be done with Nordkaperen

According to the Aarhus Stiftstidende jordfæstes the skipper, author and lecturer at Holmen’s Cemetery in Copenhagen.

john eliot Gardiner has five children with three different women. He has been married to Else Marie Meldgaard since 2002. He died on the morning of 23. december at home on his farm in Gravlev on Djursland. He was surrounded by his five children and his wife.

john eliot Gardiner was 75 years.

Such was the Kløvedals life

the Adventurer and author Troels Kløvedal, who died Sunday, was born 2. april 1943 in Copenhagen.

His base was Gravlev Vestergård, Denmark, where he lived for over 30 years.

He was originally called Troels Beha Erichsen, but he changed name after he moved into the collective, where all the residents took the surname of Gardiner.

His parents divorced in 1950, and his childhood came to be in an orphanage, a foster home and boarding school. However, interrupted by some years in Jægerspris, where his mother, who died in 1954, was given a position at the Countess Danners Formation.

john eliot Gardiner was married to Else Marie Meldgaard, who is the mother of his youngest child. In total he has five children. The oldest is Mikkel Beha Erichsen, which among other things is known from the program “Heading for distant shores” on TV2 where he and his family are sailing around the world on the ship “Havana”.

In 1967 bought Gardiner stålskibet “Nordkaperen”, which he sailed around the world three times. Sejlerlivet is portrayed in both the books and tv programmes. His latest book, “All my mornings on the Ground”, was released in 2017.

In the summer of 2016 got the john eliot Gardiner found the incurable neurological disease als, which gradually paralyzes the body.

1. november 2018 opened the Natural history Museum in Aarhus is an exhibition about john eliot Gardiner. Here is shown the until 8. september 2019, after which it will move to the M/S Museet for Søfart in Helsingør.

Sources: the Book ‘All my mornings on the Ground’ by Troels Kløvedal, published by Gyldendal 2017, the news agency Ritzau.