He stepped out of a dark car very close to the steps to the mansion to make it easy for the security guards. Stylish, swanky, dressed in the expensive suit.

It is twelve years since I was with when the muslim theologian Tariq Ramadan, a summer day came to Engelsbergsseminariet in the Avesta to talk about the secular state and society, along with, among others, Hirsi Ali, who strongly condemns islam. The air in the room stood still. This was no innocent encounter.

At the time was the swiss Tariq Ramadan, respected. Received in England as an important intellectual, a lecturer at the London School of Economics, professor of islamic studies in the Oxford and adviser in matters relating to the integration of muslims, for among others, Tony Blair.

for three rapes and released on bail. But the fact of the matter is right unproblematic for his followers. ”The interesting thing is not to know about Tariq Ramadan, has raped three women, but with the help of the three women so easily could fool the judges”, tweeted one of the Ramadans”, François Burgat, emeritusforskare on the major French research institution CNRS.

I read with increasing amazement an article in Le Nouvel Obs (no. 2822, dec 2018) where the journalist Matthieu Aaron goes through what happened in a 50-odd French universities during the last ten years.

Tariq Ramadan stands as a sort of protector to the ever-stronger movement ”décoloniale”. Due to the proximity to the Muslim brotherhood which was founded by his grandfather and as the president of the European muslim network (EMN), he has worked closely with persons who have distinguished themselves in the fight for antikolonialism and anti-racism. ”In the past, were plagiarism the worst thing you could be accused of, now it is on the net to be perceived as islamofob. It could mean the end of a career,” says one economics professor in the story.

the Sociologist Malika Hamidi, the former director general of the Tariq Ramadans EMN, held on 6 november in a conference at Sciences Po in Aix-en-Provence on the theme of ”A muslim feminist, why not?”. The western, bourgeois feminism, like Simone de Beauvoir represents, is considered to be colonial and racist. Zahra Ali who has written the book ”Féminismes islamiques” argues for a new kind of feminism, which stands close to the sacred texts. That has a different view on the body, which emphasizes the traditional familjenormerna and fighting homosexuality. Homosexuality is a skarpladdad question, as well as the one about jews and the Holocaust.

Houria Boutelja, spokeswoman for the militant political movement, the ”Indigènes de la République” and one of the prominent figures in the ”décolonisation”, which is to crack the ”structural racism” and ”white dominance”, has inter alia said that the Holocaust was ”less than a detail”. And the researchers named in Matthieu Aaron’s article, has spoken positively about Hitler.

It has already brakat unleashed a debate about this story. ”Islamism in the universities or the inquisition in l’Note?” is the title of a replica in the online magazine of media group Mediapart.

the liberal, republican, secular ethos in which the French universities rests on. In order to resolve conflicts and curb the deep political and religious friction takes effort, but the will is lacking. Here are the agendas they are completely opposite.

the Development feels dissuasive and my thoughts go to the latest novel by Michel Houellebecq, ”Submission”, where a muslim party based on traditionalist, patriarchal values to win political power and islamic capital taking over the universities in France. It is now happening in French universities is not only a literary imagination.

Sweden is celebrating its 100-year anniversary of democracy’s birth. But nothing is a given. A new year’s resolution that requires commitment, is to seriously fight for democracy and the bet that the may live for more 100 years.

Read more: Nathan Shachar: Few books have done as much damage as Edward Said’s ”Orientalism”