“Fireworks and firecrackers problems for the police”

“The last few days have emergency personnel on several occasions, been attacked with rockets and firecrackers.”

“And the feeling within the police is that the phenomenon is becoming increasingly common.”

“– It seems to be a tendency that it increases. In particular, in connection to the celebrations, ” says Patrik Danielsson, national chief of the police federation.”

“He stresses that the association does not have any recent figures. But you feel that it is becoming more common to police officers under fire with pyrotechnics, rockets.”

“In a report by 2017, the stated 35 percent of the police officers that they have been subjected to threats, violence, harassment or other undue influence in the service. Of these, it stated, 26 percent that they had been subjected to bombardment with fireworks or pyrotechnics.”

“To the firecrackers and bangers is a big problem for the police officers know previously because they provide for hearing impairment. Rockets can also cause damage, mainly on sight if they hit bad.”

“It is very difficult to protect against this and get on the equipment that is needed,” says Patrik Danielsson.”

“If the police officers know that they risk being attacked by the bangers or pyrotechnics, they can prepare themselves with helmets, visors and hearing protectors. But it is difficult to know in advance.”

“– this usually usually occur in connection to the celebrations, where police officers moving with the usual equipment.”

“From the summer of 2019, it will be prohibited to shoot rockets at the stick without permission. Regelskärpningen welcomed by the police federation and Patrik Danielsson is cautiously positive. He doubted, however, that the problem with fireworks and bangers will disappear.”

“– if you Want, you can always get a hold of things. But it becomes all the more difficult.”

“From the first of June 2019, it will be prohibited to shoot rockets with guide pin without permission.”

“you Want to shoot rockets after the required authorisation for the use of the explosive to be from the municipality and passed a so-called B – or C-education.”

“Rockets, account for almost 40 per cent of the fyrverkerirelaterade accidents where people visited the hospital. Burns on the hands, face and eyes is common.”

“Already today there is a ban on firecrackers, heavier rockets and miniraketer.”