Finnish Sara came quickly asked baby pictures home town in Ireland.Sara works as a photographer in her husband’s home country of Ireland. Sara O’connor

Helsinki Sara O’connor met with the irish spouse in Portugal, lived this with England and start a family in Finland. The couple, however, was clear from the beginning that the final seat going to be the man of the homeland.

maternity leave at the end of the spring of 2014 it became clear that the restaurant industry work worked a couple didn’t get along with Helsinki, just one person’s salary. Because the family wanted to care for the child as long as possible at home, they decided to take a course in Ireland and moved to Killarneyyn, Kerry county land in the southwest.

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a Few years later, the younger child started when the irish way to the morning day club, Sara began to consider what he would like to start doing for a living. In the hospitality industry he no longer wanted to return.

I had not really ever been particularly uraintressejä. I had always wanted to be just mom, Sara, says with a laugh.

Newborns are described below 12 days old. Sara O’connor

He had grown two photographer’s daughter and spent his childhood in his father’s studio.

It has been a big part of my life always. Many photographers passionate hobby turns into work, but I can say that I never had any craving for a hobby. It the world has been so close, I couldn’t think of it as a career. I also experienced that I was good enough, so I could think it is a worthwhile opportunity.

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little by Little the idea of photography as a profession, however, matures and eventually Sara had to say, that it was work that he wanted to do most of all. He began to assemble a portfolio and went to a particular baby picture of themselves sending rate.

the Fall of, Sara eventually establish his company officially and began to describe family photos, 1 year pictures, first ehtoollisia, konfirmaatioita, pregnancy photos and newborn full-time job. The calendar has been full ever since.

home photographers Sara advises to take advantage of natural light and to describe a baby in your parent’s arms. More of Sara’s tips to find the end of the story. Sara O’Connor

– in Ireland, people don’t have their homes on the walls of an art but the photos of the family. The children’s pictures, wedding pictures and so on. It is a photographer’s point of view a nice thing, that the images are displayed much bigger than in Finland. Family photos are appreciated here very much.

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the Main activity are formed the newborn the descriptions.

It’s a baby’s birth is such a special moment and of course as a mother of three I know how quickly it is like a small newborn myttyräisyys will pass. The image of a newborn under 12 days old, so they are really fresh from the oven, Sara told me.

in Ireland, Sara has received praise for the natural style, where the image is not staged very far. Scandinavian simplicity has been a client of mind.

Newborn pictures of Sara according to the area where the graph will need to specialize. From the picture it’s easy to see how children can deal with.

Babies learn pretty quickly to read a little in a different way than their own babies in time. Certain things are repeated in the babies behavior. Challenge vammankin the baby’s behaviour is a pattern and they learn different ways to calm down. When the photographer knows how to handle a baby so it reflects both the baby and the parents, and the whole situation is comfortable, safe and stress-free.

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– Do not impersonate professional baby pictures posing. For example, the image with the baby’s chin is supported in the hands should leave the security to professionals. Such images are generated by combining the final image from several different images, because the description of the time, the baby to carry all the time.

– Looking for good light. Recommended natural light, go if necessary, close the window.

– Baby swaddling pictures for is as well as nice-looking that convenient, because then the moro reflex does not get to scare the baby.

– Note that beauty can be described as the baby of the parent’s arms. Then the image is transmitted to the love for the baby, of course.

– Light-colored clothing work well in the picture.