An obscure Bank in Moscow had been a couple of years ago ready to help the party of Marine Le Pen with a substantial credit. The politician of the then National Front (FN), is called, in the meantime, the Rassemblement National (RN), had sent to be President of France. In spite of the money and other support from Russia, your big projects failed in may 2017.

The Bank, which had helped Le pen’s party with a loan of 9.4 million euros, there is no more. The Bank owner is sought with an international arrest warrant. Kreditorin of the RN in a company of people with close Links to Russian military intelligence is now complex. The thing the courts are now in Moscow. Until a final decision has been made, shall pay to Le pen’s party, the repayment amounts to a notary in Moscow, every month there are 145’000 euros.

Common interests of the Kremlin and the shadow world

signed The “Washington Post” has the crime to the Russians credit for the FN. The thing has a meaning that goes beyond the Financial.

The article shows how the influence of machinery of the Kremlin will work, as Russia is trying to make his political influence abroad. In this case, the financial and operational linkages between the French Right and the Kremlin are obvious. The case provides insights into a shadow world in which people, companies and networks with Connections to the Kremlin, in the interest of the foreign policy goals of the Russian government to act, even if there is no common Plan. You know what is expected. The boundaries between legality and illegality become blurred. However, after the row.

the Kremlin-man recommends Bank of Putin-friend

less than five years Ago, the FN was desperate to find sources of money, however, took place under the banks in France and in the neighbouring countries, not a lender. Le pen’s party took place in Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, a helper with good contacts to Russia. Schaffhausen is a FN near a politician and a business man who is since 2014 a member of the European Parliament. Schaffhauser know, obviously, people from Russia’s political Elite, for example, Alexander Babakov, member of the Russian Parliament and the Kremlin special envoy for the Russian organisations abroad.

Babakov recommended that the FN of a middle man in Schaffhausen, the First Czech-Russian Bank (ETRB) with headquarters in Moscow. The owner of the ETRB was a business man by the name of Roman Popov. Behind him stood the construction company, Stroitransgas, is controlled by the oligarch Gennady Timchenko. The 64-year-old Timchenko is one of the richest Russians and a friend and Judo Partner of Vladimir Putin.

In September 2014, traveled Wallerand de Saint-Just, the chief financial officer of the FN, to Moscow. The Frenchman and Popov signed a credit agreement. The ETRB was Le pen’s party to 9.4 million euros, bears interest at 6%, term until 23. September, 2019. For his intermediary services in Schaffhausen around 140’000 euros. The Deal between the FN and the Russian Bank remained a secret. Only two and a half months after the signing of the contract, the French news website Mediapart published the report of an investigative journalists. Further articles addressed to other financial relations between the French Right and Russian citizens with Connections to the Kremlin.

loan is first met at the car company transferred

in that time, by the Central Bank of Russia forced the consolidation of the Russian banking sector in 2016, the ETRB. Central Bank Chief Elwira Nabiullina went against financial institutions, their capital too thin, and the loans to imprudent contracts. The campaign was also directed against banks for unfair and illegal methods. In August 2016, the ETRB had to file for bankruptcy. A lot of money to the state Deposit insurance Agency ASW not found. The Deputy head of the Bank came into custody. Already on 24. March had been provided to the ETRB under state supervision. Due to dubious business practices of the Bank was a short time later revoked the license. The ETRB is accused of hundreds of millions of opaque letter-box companies, awarded.

A remarkable Detail of the Bank failure relates to the loan for Le pen’s party. 18. March had been transferred to the credit of the company accounts. The company raises questions. Your business purpose is “renting and Leasing of cars”.

Wanted someone from the Bank to bring the claim is over 9 million euros in security? The state Deposit insurance Agency viewed the assignment of the credit claim to accounts as null and void, since the company, the Bank will virtually have nothing to pay, such as the “Tages-Anzeiger” reported in a February 2017 published Research. The owner of the accounts is a man by the name of Sergei Jewseew. According to Transparency International, Russia Jewseew was also a Director of a security firm that had guarded the ETRB.

aviation company assumes credit exposure

The whole history of the loan for Le pen’s party was even more mysterious. Because the loan receivable was transferred to the end of 20116, again, from the company accounts to the Moscow company Aviazapchast, a supplier to the aerospace industry, the waiting and planes and helicopters. Aviazapchast is closely intertwined with the Russian army. This also shows that the Assad Regime in Syria is a customer Aviazapchasts. Top managers of this company have made careers in the Soviet and Russian army. Interestingly, the company is in possession of an exclusive security license of the secret service. The owner of Aviazapchast is Valery Zakharenkov. The Oligarch who controls other company, owns an estate in the vicinity of the “Arc de Triomphe” in Paris. Why the credit claim Aviazapchast against the FN has acquired, is not clear.

With the matter for the Russian courts deal a long time ago. The state Agency for Deposit insurance, which has to manage the bankruptcy of the ETRB, makes legal claims. The credit requirement of the National Front to be recoverable and “the interest payments of the borrower are for the multiplication of the bankruptcy estate significantly,” she argued before a court of arbitration. The case is currently at court of appeal, the next hearing will be held in February 2019.

A clear script for all the cases, there is not

at the same time the criminal case against former managers of the bankrupt Bank in Russia, as well as against the former Bank owners Popov, who has fled abroad and by the international arrest warrant is sought.

The “Washington Post”article is based on studies of think tanks in Europe and the USA. The case of the Russian loan for the FN serves as an ideal-typical example, in order to understand the interaction of political influence and financial Power. However, As the Russia expert Mark Galeotti explained to, have the Russians no script, that works in all cases. “A lot is experimental,” says Galeotti. “You try something and see what happens.” (vin)

Created: 28.12.2018, 20:45 PM