It sounds almost incredible, but nevertheless it is the tragic truth, that the two south Korean men have died in a river in northern Thailand after their golf cart clashed with their koners, which got all four to smoke in the water.

It writes The Guardian.

the Bodies of the two men was found immediately after the accident. the

The two couples were on Wednesday at a ferry, where they made themselves ready to cross the river in Phitsanulok in Thailand, when the men were accidentally hit by their koners golf cart.

the Collision all four thrown over tables and down in the river’s muddy water, tells a lieutenant in the area to the media.

the Women the two men were rescued by local fishermen.

More than 50 rescuers from the military was with to look after the men Jun Yong Sung at 68 years of age and Jaeoong Ha in 76 years.

One of the bodies was found on Wednesday evening near the scene of the accident, and the second was found by people from a nearby village, as it floated around at a temple.

– the Wives of the two men told us, that both men knew how to swim, so I think that it has been the undertow, who has been at fault in the drukningen, tells løjtnanten.

The two couple was in Thailand on holiday for celebrating christmas.