When my own dear child recalls unpleasant experience, how to operate? Mostphotos

”my oldest was my whole world, until his father left me. After that, I saw a child in a long time just to his treacherous father.

the Difference was difficult and I often noticed, that the feelings of the ex point they wanted to change feelings ex looking towards the child, who also worshipped his father sankarinaan.

Since then, I’ve found a new spouse and a new child.

I Dare to admit, I no longer feel the firstborn point in the same way as before. Now the strongest emotions are the current nuclear family to the child.

it would be interesting to see whether the therapy affects this. I will of course do my best, that the children would notice things.

on the other Hand, I myself as a child have I felt the other siblings less popular, so maybe the kids sense this in any case.”

I Saw the name brand of Reed answer Ilona’s questionnaire. Many will certainly recognize themselves and their situation in his image.

If one of the children resembles a broken heart, and others again a happy family everyday life, the mother can experience a variety of emotions – even the most difficult one. Children feel the negative feelings are completely normal.

– Accept the emotion as normal and forgive yourself, Child Mind Institutional institute expert write Understood-site.

parent’s emotional range can be broad, and not feeling alone make a parent good or bad. More crucial is how feelings work.

parent should be able to accept his feelings and to integrate them into the so-called emotional landscapes, Good Therapy to write. This can happen, for example, by discussing the issue with your partner, other parents or with the therapist.

If negative feelings are not accepted, but is trying to suppress, they may rise to the surface, for example, anger or retirement.

If the mother is experiencing that his anger feelings are uncontrollable, or he is afraid of losing control, he should get help, Better Help service remind.

an Angry parent may namely hurt the child, both mentally and physically.

Anger damming can also lead to passive-aggressive behavior, such as mököttämiseen or giving the silent treatment. Such a subject is not fun for anyone, let alone children, who may not even understand why your parent behaves towards him.

Therefore, the emotions – also negative – with you older is better informed about who you are and what you feel, and can therefore make more careful choices as a parent, Good Therapy advise.