Three vietnamese tourists and an egyptian tour guide were killed and ten people were injured when vägbomben blown up outside their bus on the way to the pyramids in Giza.

On Saturday, citing the egyptian interior ministry that the country’s police have killed 40 terrorists, reports AFP. People have been killed in raids carried out early on Saturday morning. 30 of them will have been killed in the city of Giza, and a further ten people in the northern Sinai peninsula.

the raids were made following information that the suspects planned a series of attacks against myndighetsinstitutioner, tourist destinations and churches.

the bomb attack occurred four kilometres from the pyramids of Giza at the 18-time on Friday night. Gaddafi should have been in a wall on the side of the road and detonated when the bus with vietnamese tourists drove past. Quickly after the incident blocked the armed personnel of the area around the bus.

terrorist attacks in Egypt have been a hard blow to tourism. The attack is the first against foreign tourists in two years in Egypt.

the number of foreign tourists in the country has declined drastically since the arab spring in 2011 and the subsequent political instability.

the Jihadists have repeatedly carried out terrorist attacks against tourist destinations in the country, as hotels and buses. The most notable event occurred in the year 2015, when a Russian charter flight was blown up over the Sinai peninsula. All the 224 on board were killed, and a group with close links to the Islamic state took on itself the deed.