The Green had the year on something of a run, and in the meantime, one out of every five voters in the party considering his cross. But still no Bundestag elections, and so the question is how this can be a for the other High in the opinion polls in the actual election results coins. The search for a Chancellor candidate, or a candidate for Chancellor not to Appoint certainly, even if that is sometimes required from time to time by the Greens.

behind the Union the second place on the popularity of the voter when the ballot box hedge, the Green its reputation as the people’s party to sustainably reinforce. To ensure continuous radio signals to the center are necessary, the heroes of neither the left-wing base nor the immigrants from the regions of the Union. Exactly, these clever but also a risk-balancing act, ranging from duplicate messages of the Green try. It is true, the dream of strip dancer-Image. Not the discourse move, however, to set the tone.

Outcry after Kretschmann was great

Baden-württemberg’s Minister President Winfried Kretschmann took a shot first over the target, as he called refugees “Tunichtgute” of large cities. Violent refugees he described as “men hordes”, which should be “send in the pampas”. The Outcry was big.

a Little milder, but still unusually hard sounds party-Boss Anna Lena Baerbock to agreed recently: Delinquent asylum seekers, who do not accept the German legal system and “enforceable required to leave the country”, should be preferred, in your view, in the case of the deportation. The party left to stay surprisingly calm, “brave”, called the Green-Co-Chairman Robert Habeck is the Expression of his colleague. As a “reasonable Position,” said the SPD politician Thomas Oppermann.

the call’s content was not exactly new. Quite striking, however, is where the Green comment now all of a sudden, more and more of the subject in General, rather than commenting on others. And if you confess then to the public “to want to consistently grab”, play in terms of safety is a classic core issue of the Union. In this way, the Green car, the balancing act between welcoming culture on the one hand, while you try to convey a rather vague sense of order. Because the issue of refugee policy is politically charged, the maximum.

How dangerous the Greens can be in a good position in the Union, show the state Parliament elections in Bavaria and Hesse, impressive: All the 170 000 voters migrated to Bavaria by the CSU to the Greens, more than any other party. In Hesse, there were also the Greens, the CDU 108 made 000 voters away from – again, no other party to the Union was so dangerous.

these successes are the Greens with the climate issue alone can not take on time. You need to get out of the Eco-niche. Even if the climate protection now in the middle of the society – the issues of refugee policy. And here it is important to make the differences with the Union.

More about

Green party conference in Leipzig In search of the right language in the refugee policy

Cordula Eubel

Against this Background, it is understandable why the Greens in Hesse, the CDU is not in the question of the extension of safe countries of Origin, accelerated apply to the citizens of the asylum procedure, some were able to: To Balance a boundary also.