A large number of government managers have received lønbonusser, even if they missed the goals set out in their contracts and had the responsibility for the cases, there have been regular scandals.

according to an investigation from The auditor general, as bl.a. have researched the construction of the Niels Bohr Building, a project for the University of Copenhagen, which started in 2013, and which is both delayed and costly.

the Preliminary budget is exceeded by 1.3 billion. kr., writes Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

Anyway, through the years provided 11 bonuses to the executives in the Property associated with the construction.

In 2016, was the bosses ‘ success rate was even raised at a stroke from 63 per cent. to 90 per cent., so the bonuses was higher. The amount paid varies between 54.000 kr. and the 140.000 kr.

the State’s use of bonuses is generally objectionable, notes Henrik Thorup (DF), chairman of the Parliamentary state auditors.

– There are places where you just pay the bonus, even if there isn’t anything to provide bonus for. It is an unsatisfactory management. It can’t be discussed, he says to Jyllands-Posten.

the Example of Niels Bohr-the building is far from alone. Tax paid f.ex. bonuses of between dkk 50,000. and 100.000 kr. to 10 managers, which was associated with the it system EFI, it should automatically recover the state of a tax, but instead was closed down, with the result that the tax liability of today has risen to 116 billion. kr. The payments were made, although stated goal of EFI was not met, take note of The auditor general.

In Banedanmark’s got a head the maximum bonus of 100.000 kr., although he missed his target on the new signalprogram, which is delayed for several years and will be € 4.4 billion. kr. more expensive than budgeted.

Sophie Løhde (V), minister for public innovation and responsible for the wages in the state, believes that the bonuses can be ‘an excellent tool’ to achieve certain goals. But she is ‘aware that there may be challenges associated with the use of performance-related’ and has therefore initiated an analysis.

‘And when the analysis before long is ready, I will bl.a. take a position on whether there is a need for clearer guidelines in this area,’ she said to Jyllands-Posten, in a written comment.

Bonuses are increasingly used in the state. So-called performance-related and engangsvederlag cost € 170 million. kr. in 2017. This is an increase of 9 per cent. ift. the year before.