When shall appoint its favorite-Winston Churchill there are a few pieces to choose from. Brian Cox (”Churchill”), John Lithgow (”The crown”) and Gary Oldman (”the Darkest hour”) have all made decent efforts lately, even if none of them can compete with Albert Finney in ”The gathering storm”. But if you are talking about Winston Churchill, the fictional creation, it is no doubt that the original version is the best.

One of the nobel Prize in literature is usually subjected to the most derision is precisely what went to Churchill, 1953. But the question is if it is not the most well-deserved. Rarely has a literary creation made such an impression on the history of the world that the Winston Spencer Churchill right from the beginning.

biography we meet again a figure in the basis formed by the same literary and rhetorical tradition, he then devotes his life to contribute to. Already as a 21-year-old in 1895, when he manages to talk to in an assignment as a war correspondent in Cuba, initiating the Churchill a career as a högbetald journalist and author of bestsellers about the same war in which he himself participates. As a politician, he sees himself as a part of the same mythological history which the he suggestive up in the speeches and books – the one about the heroic English people on his island, the carrier of all that is best and most beautiful in the history of mankind. As Tolkien’s world, populated both by the good-natured hobbits and noble knight of Gondor, decent and peace-loving but ready to resist against Sauron’s hordes next to the last blodsdroppe.

To discover all the myth excludes is no art. Churchill bornerade formulations about the working class, or of the british empire’s coloured subjects are easy prey for Roberts quips (Winston complaining about how uncomfortable it is to be transported in a sedan chair during a visit to Kenya in 1907, ”it was probably worse for the carriers,” commented the cinema).

He was a creature of his time and his class, the british empire and its aristokratis thin top layer, and he was an obvious racist, in the sense that he believed that different ”races” were at different stages of development (and that he himself, as a white englishman, belonged to the highest). It was a practical load for him also as a military commander, because he severely underestimated both the turks combat during the first world war and the japanese during the second. He could, as evidenced by all the fictional portraits of him, to be hopeless to work with – egocentric, impulsive, vain.

Image 1 of 2 Winston Churchill makes segertecknet during the election campaign in the summer of 1945 – but he lost. Photo: (c) Underwood & Underwood/Corbis Slide 2 of 2 Ungdomsbild with his wife Clementine. Slideshow

conclusion that he was a complete impossible, as politicians, except in the mythological situation that occurred, when he was called by Destiny to lead The armies against Hitler and his orcs.

Yet there is one redeeming trait that all of Churchill’s many ill-wishers find it difficult to get past. He had a sense of humor. He had a contagious good mood. His rhetoric was never spiteful, petty or rancorous pedantic. His disgust for nazism (and communism) was based in a kind of, admittedly patriarchal, but deeply known humanism – it was simply not fair play with åsiktsförföljelse and terror.

He had a kind of svåremotståndlig charm, which is captured quite well in an anecdote Roberts tells of his first time as prime minister. Churchill is annoyed with a whistling teen on the street and command him to stop. The boy’s jaws back: ”You can always close your ears, or how?”. Churchill goes fond of there, and repeat the laughing reply throughout the day. It is, as Roberts reflects, it is difficult to imagine the same situation with Hitler and a German teen.

Roberts, a dry objectivity that works better than a nervous apology or flåsig indignation. The longest sentence in the entire 1.105 pages thick book is one that occupies half a page, and where Churchill’s political blunders line up, from the resistance against women’s suffrage as a young member of way to cling to power as strokedrabbad 80-year-old (recently portrayed in ”The crown”).

His mistakes were many, but his historical importance is undeniable. No, of course Churchill was not the man alone, who crushed Hitler; without the Soviet union or the USA, would the Uk have never won the war (which Churchill himself was the first to admit). But he was the one who prevented the united kingdom to conclude a peace with Nazi germany in the summer of 1940, something that Hitler, points out Roberts, would have been very willing to do, and then be able to take on his true dream project and crush the Soviet union.

Winston Churchill. Photo: Rue des Archives / IBL Bildbyrå

When it comes to the personal Roberts british button. It in popular culture now established the claim that Churchill would have been bipolar, constantly haunted by his ”black dog”, dismissed as an exaggeration of the untrustworthy livläkaren Moran. He would have been an alcoholic also – that Churchill drank copious amounts cannot reasonably deny, but Roberts points out that he is still, as sjuttioåring, had days of 18 hours, and quotes approvingly a friend, the novelist C P Snow – ”he had been an alcoholic, he had never managed to drink so much”.

the myth of Churchill can still have its intoxicating effect. If you have a weakness for the heroic rhetoric – for Gullbergs ”Dead amazon”, for Shakespeare’s Henry V at Agincourt – it is easy to let the legend of the great bulldog’s rise to the head. The cheap copies are not lacking. Boris Johnson would like to imitate his great model, and dreams about fighting against the EU superstate on the beaches and on the landing in the fields and in the streets. Donald Trump has approprierat a Churchillbyst to its oval room.

But it is home brewed and fulöl. Nothing beats the original Winston Churchill, as Andrew Roberts’s biography reminds us, even if he is supposed to be enjoyed with responsibility.

Albert Finney in ”The gathering storm”. Photo: WENN.com

From the ”years in the wilderness” in the 1930s with Churchill as the lone voice against Hitler’s rearmament. Albert Finney finds the nuances in the Churchillfigurens combination of childish tjurighet and magnificent people, in addition, in the magnificent interplay with Vanessa Redgrave as lady Clementine.

Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas in ”the Darkest hour”. Photo: Supplied by LMK / IBL Bildbyrå

Difficult klichétyngd version of the most sönderberättade episode of all in Churchill’s life, when he takes over as prime minister in 1940 and brings together the country against Hitler. Gary Oldman gets to ride the subway to show their communion with the English people, while the real Churchill would rather have been sober in a week. However, the stylish peppversion of the classic ”We shall fight on the beaches”-century.

Brian Cox in ”Çhurchill”. Photo: Supplied by LMK / IBL Bildbyr on

Brian Cox makes a shaky has-been who been counterfeited by the iraq war, agonizing over the soldiers who died at Gallipoli in the first world war and trying to sabotage D-day. More omprövande than credible, but the strong performance of Miranda Richardson, who severely tested wife Clemmie.