we Were in the United States and one of the choice of fighter would be smart enough to engage the most successful strategists of the past decades, James Carville, hinge possibly, to a wall-the saying: “It is the East. Stupid head!“ Wants to say: Who will score in the East of Germany in elections, not good values, you can’t win nationwide.

that’s Why, for example, has made Friedrich Merz, Chairman of the CDU in wait, the upcoming Landtag elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia, as it were, the litmus test of whether the new leadership of the party and your new course are really promising. He, it is he, Merz, as a beacon of hope for those who think that only with him could set up in the CDU and 40 percent of the gene, in addition to the AfD in half and on the right edge of the new, and old followers back.

Now, it is not, however, so that the newly elected President Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer in the polls is doing so poorly. At least better than any of the other SPD leaders. There was a two battle for the chancellorship, would Kramp-Karrenbauer, a 48 percent and the SPD Leader Andrea Nahles on only twelve. Olaf Scholz, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Finance, reached 20 percent. Best cuts yet, Sigmar Gabriel, with 21 percent.

What is done in the Federal government, must also at the country level

Kramp arrive-Karrenbauer, however, is about 40 percent. Also the CDU is slowly coming back. In the case of 32 percent it is now. To beat the SPD, the Merz to the main competitors is one – not that we need him. Nationwide, the SPD is at best 15 per cent, in the East, at eight, a mere fifth place behind the CDU, the AfD, the Left and the Greens. And an end to the Malaise in sight.

It is the East, the fool, the SPD must remember strongly how important it is for your Survival is to connect content and heads. What is done in the Federal government in the Grand coalition, must reach the people at the local and state level. Family, work, retirement, wages, a departure Ost, which is not a replica of the West – and the politicians who are assertive.

More about

Friedrich Merz, the CDU After the hype Merz, it needs more sense of reality

Stephan-Götz Richter

No wonder, then, that some people see even a Chance for Sigmar Gabriel. Government Comeback over a province? Until the next state election in Saxony-Anhalt, where Gabriel cares about his constituency partnerships (and his wife is from), it would be for long enough: The election shall be held in 2021.