Wrestling judge the behaviour of young high-school wrestler has received in the united states at the time of high-class sensation.High school wrestling tournament occurred on Wednesday incident, which spread through social media rapidly across North America. A picture of a person you are not related to the case. ZUMAWIRE.COM/MVPHOTOS

the state of New Jersey located in the Buena Regional High School student Andrew Johnson have to cut hair one on Wednesday held a tournament match below.

the match referee had Alan Maloney was announced Johnson, that if this does not cut your hair, would result in rejection. Dreadlocks-johnson’s hair was covered with a match for a fully in accordance with the rules and relevant way, but this was not enough for maloney over at.

the Controversy originated when the local supplier of Mike Frankel share case video in Twitter account.

the Judge did not allow Andrew Johnson to wrestle with dreadlocks covered. The judge, according to the dreadlocks had to be cut or otherwise Johnson would lose the match. Johnson decided to cut your hair and win, Frankel tweeted.

frankel said johnson’s coaches arguing Maloney with a long time of this order. When Maloney running time additional on the clock, Johnson revealed her hair and agreed to their cutting.

the Case has been conducive to the intensification of racial tensions in the united states, because Maloney is a white, Johnson dark-skinned.

Maloney’s activity has been called among other things, ”racist, cruel and humbling”.

my share of quite violent escalation from the use of language was also Frankel, who acted in the case as a mere messenger.

– I Understand that this video causes strong emotions. It will cause them in me, too. I would just like to remind you that I didn’t cause that, what happened. I’m just documenting it, Frankel wrote on Twitter followers in the targeted text.

Maloney is the New Jersey area very well-known and distinguished wrestling judge. Local high school sports to the administering organisation has recommended that Maloney give the judge the matches before the case is processed through.

Maloney rose big headlines also in 2016 after hurting dark skinned judge mr its racist. The incident occurred in the judge in the context of the evening, and disagreement regarding homemade wine.

Source: Guardian