Many of the statements in the AfD-tip would be in contradiction to Christianity, says the EKD-Chairman Bedford-Strohm. He called on moderate members of the party, to give the radical Right is no cover.

the President of The Council of the Evangelical Church, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, has moderate AfD members criticized the left from the Right-wing as a kind of protective shield. The compatibility with the Faith is not do to the membership in a party, he said the “Passauer Neue Presse”. But: “From the ranks of the AfD-top statements that are in deep contradiction to the Christian Faith.”

the AfD “people who just want to protest. And there are people who want to spread their radical right-wing ideas under the Logo of the AfD”. Who give these people coverage, “gives them legitimacy”. However, you have to fight back.

“If people are incited to horrible crimes, when hatred is sown, rather than better protection against violence, and to think, you have to take a clear Position and hold.”

appeal for more willingness to talk

The Bavarian regional Bishop called for “a clear edge against anti-Semitism and against racism, a clear edge against the devaluation of groups of people because of their Religion”. At the same time, he said: “We have to come together to talk about different views. Then also, thoughtfulness, and Togetherness.”

Bedford-Strohm also called for more investment in the common good.

“Growing inequality is damaging Germany,”

The “editors’ network Germany,” said Bedford-Strohm, the growing inequality is a pity a country like Germany. Wise decisions about investment for the common good, could prevent this. “We should create structures which enable to every person in this rich society, with its own power to be part of.”

Bedford-Strohm expect that social professions, such as nurse, nurse and educator, will be in terms of content and financially attractive, because the need for specialists in these fields had increased enormously.

The low pay in the industry to “the remnants of a Patriarchal World view”, which I have kept for a long time because mostly women worked in the social Professions. “Regardless of the laws of the market I find that people who take care of Old, Sick or children, deserve at least as much esteem as a highly skilled industrial workers,” said Bedford-Strohm.

warning against the “siren song” of the populist, 11.11.2018 churches at Easter: the poor does not exclude, freedom to live, 01.04.2018 Atlas |Germany |Passau

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