“Orbán about the protests: ”Hysterical screams””

“Hungary högernationalistiska prime minister, Viktor Orbán, waving away the recent wave of protests against a new law that gives employers the right to require 400 overtime hours per year of their employees, rather than 250.”

“the Purpose of the act is to abolish”

” We heard the same hysterical screaming when we threw out the IMF (International monetary fund (imf) from Hungary, when we reduced the taxes or started program of public works, says Orbán.”

“the Prime minister also reiterates allegations that the american-Hungarian billionaire George Soros is funding the protests. Soros is a regular target for the Hungarian government.”

“Övertidsreformen has sparked several large protests. A new demonstration has been planned for Friday evening in the capital, Budapest. According to a recent opinion poll, conducted by the institute of Notaries, the opinion of two-thirds of the respondents that the protests are justified and that övertidslagen harm the workers ‘ interests.”