While the flying cameras are all the rage in the Christmas business, has led to the ban on illegal operation of drones in the London Gatwick airport to a full closure and a Chaos in air traffic. More than 100 000 passengers were affected, the aircraft could not start or in other cities had to land.

The Situation in London

In Gatwick is set in the in-flight operation, because on Wednesday evening, two remote-controlled drones over the Area of the airport were spotted. Because this can threaten in a collision of commercial aircraft, has been suspended operations on Wednesday until three o’clock, and then from 3.45 p.m. after repeated sightings of flying objects set again. Only on Friday morning, there were a few take-offs and landings. The Chaos continued, however, and the Situation remained unresolved.

The police went even then in vain for the owners of the drones. Also, the military and sniper were used to protect. The drone owner should be taken, they must reckon with sensitive follow. A hazard to air traffic by unmanned aerial vehicles up to five years in prison in the UK. Add to that the cost of the Airlines for diversions and flight cancellations.

Because the other London airports could not accommodate all the machines, had to be diverted incoming flights to other places in the whole of the UK, but partly also to Amsterdam and Paris, where travelers waited for the next transport. Dozens of flights were not able to reverse launch. Were affected, in particular, the low-cost airlines Easyjet and Norwegian, the chat bases at the airport in Gatwick. The police suspected no terrorist Background.

owners who let their drones in breach of the ban in the vicinity of the airport upgrade, for example, to make daring shots of aircraft are a growing Problem. Only on 11. November has had to be cancelled, therefore, the airport of Wellington (new Zealand) temporarily. 29. September rustled was a drone, just 20 metres one from Berlin, the upcoming Airbus of Swiss pass, the landing at Zurich.

development in Germany

the Association of The German air traffic economy (BDL) has reacted on Thursday to the incidents at the airport from Gatwick and a “registration requirement for drones”, so that responsibility and liability could be assigned. “Here, the EU level is required, such registration obligation, by law, determine”, said Matthias von Randow, BDL General Manager. In Germany, the risk of the air transport by means of drones has greatly increased.

Video 20.12.2018, 19:37 Uhr00:49 Min.Gatwick airport because of drones, closed

According to Deutsche Flugsicherung, the number of dangerous encounters with drones rose into the air, out of 14 cases in the year 2015 to 88 last year. This year, the number has doubled, with 152. Most of the incidents occurred in the vicinity of the airport Frankfurt am Main (31), followed by Berlin-Tegel (15) and Munich (14). Schönefeld (9) on the fifth place. According to the penal code up to ten years in prison are a threat to air traffic.

Legal Situation

In Germany, the rise of drones in a radius of 1.5 kilometers from the fence of an airport is prohibited. Similarly, in flight restricted areas, which extend in the Berlin, within a radius of 5.5 kilometres to the Reichstag and 3.7 kilometres to the research reactor in Berlin-Wannsee. In the control zones of the airports, the stretch in Berlin over the whole city area, in addition to Brandenburg, including a flight height restriction of 50 metres.

But not only here, restrictions apply. Is prohibited the Overflight of the crowds of people, public buildings, industrial plants, prisons, military sites, major transport routes as well as locations of police and rescue forces. The rise of private property requires the consent of the property owner, and who is using a camera drone to look in the neighbour’s garden, or window, is a violation of the property rights and personality rights and risk a fine.

Since the entry into force of drone regulation in 2017, all drones must be marked from 250 gram with the name and address of the owner. Who wants to ascend to where it is allowed to be higher than 100 meters or the drone weighs two pounds or more, must obtain in a short course, a knowledge of the evidence. Basically, liability insurance is required.

drones posse at TSG Hoffenheim

As a kind of industrial espionage has been a drone used at the final training session of the Bundesliga club TSG Hoffenheim on Tuesday. Before Wednesdays game against Werder Bremen, an Analyst of the North German Association had with a drone, the Training the hope Heimer overflown.

The police have already taken up the investigation, said home club spokesman hope. In football, the overflight ban of people of the applicable retention. Werder coach Florian Kohfeldt insured, the images of the drone have been in the Game against Hoffenheim. The game ended 1:1.

drones as a gift

they are referred to as “fun for the whole family” and “current Trend”, not only specialist magazines prices to drones with and without cameras as the ideal gift. In the world be the Google most wanted toy, a drone it says on the Website “drones. Multi-copter. Quadrocopter“. Electric markets in Germany offer the cheapest flying recording devices now for almost 40 Euro. (with dpa)