Majority in the house of Representatives has approved president Donald Trump’s budget proposal for the construction of grensemur. Trumps budsjettpakke to grensemuren is 5.7 billion dollars, more than 49 billion.

– the President has been clear right from the start. He wants something that provides increased border security. He’s not going to sign anything that does not ensure it, said spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders before the vote.

Will be turned down

Consensus in the house of Representatives may sound promising, for if one does not come to a budsjettenighet by midnight Friday, there will be “shutdown”, that is, a shut-down of many us government agencies.

In this place is around 25 per cent of the federal agencies that depend on Congress adds fresh funds. Is it “shutdown”, it is expected that around 100,000 employees will be sent home from work without pay.

But there is a problem: the Proposal will probably not get the green light in the Senate. The republicans need 60 votes, which means that they must get the support of several democrats, something that is very unlikely.

Should it be full budsjettkrise it will probably be one of the last things the Republicans do in the house of Representatives, before the January lose the majority to the Democrats, who regained the majority during the autumn mellomvalg.

the Democrats can force the “shutdown” in the united STATES: – do Not keep the kids or the military as hostages Trump said no

the Senate had originally agreed to a budsjettkompromiss on the night of Thursday, Norwegian time. The agreement would ensure the financing of the state apparatus until the beginning of February.

Budsjettavtalen was then sent to the house of Representatives, where it also must be approved, before it was scheduled to land at Donald Trumps table for the signing.

There was only one problem with budsjettavtalen: It was not set aside any money to Trumps big valgløfte, grensemuren to Mexico.

Therefore gave Trump on Thursday, a clear indication that he is not going to agreement.

– I’ve said clearly what I mean. Budsjettavtalen must contain the money to fund border security. Walls works, whether we like it or not, ” said Trump Thursday, according to the Washington Post.

– Will lead to the “shutdown”

This resulted in that the house of Representatives, where republicans for a while to hold a majority, approved a budget where it was set close to 50 billion Norwegian kroner to the wall.

, this agreement Had reached the Trumps table, had the matter been out of the world, and “shutdown”-the father could be avblåses. But Trump are unlikely to see snurten of the agreement.

Trumps tantrums will lead to the “shutdown”, but it will not ensure him the wall, ” says the democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer.

He reviews Trumps wall as “ineffective, unnecessary and unreasonable animals”.

Trump even vented his frustration on Thursday, just hours before the house of Representatives accepted the budsjettavtalen which probably will be voted down in the Senate.

“I was promised the wall and the border security of the (republican) leadership. It should be in order by the end of the year (NOW). It did not happen. The foolish view do we fight for border security to other countries – but not for our beloved united STATES. Not good”, tvitret Trump.

He is scheduled to go on a two week trip to Florida Friday, but it is uncertain whether he sticks to the plan if it goes against the “shutdown”.

But than as long is the president optimistic.

“Thanks to our great repbublikanske the congressmen who voted to fund the border security and the wall. Stemmetallene was 218-185 and very many have said that the enthusiasm was greater than they have ever seen. So proud of you,” writes Trump on Twitter, who follows up with attacking the democratic Nancy Pelosi.

“Nancy Pelosi, soon to become speaker, said on the fly in the oval office last week that the republicans do not have enough votes to get in place and border security. Today voted for the republicans in the house of Representatives and won, 217-185. Nancy will not come up with an excuse. All I want is border security”.

FIRST YEAR: Donald Trump is now finished with his first year as U.s. president, and it has been to say the least eventful. Video: AP/CNN Editing: Ørjan Ryland View more Trump has vacillated

It has not been easy for the republicans to understand what they can expect of Trump. Last week he said that he with “pride” would go for a “shutdown” if he does not get the money to grensemuren.

At the beginning of this week he expressed that he was open to consider all suggestions that come from Congress. Something he has gone back on.

Before Trump vented their irritation over the republican leadership on Twitter, he had pretty much attacked the democrats, which he believes puts “politics ahead of country”.

Something that the democrats will not let himself affect off.

– It is a mess with the republicans. Funding of the wall is excluded, ” says Nancy Pelosi, the democratic leader in the house of Representatives, according to news agency AP.

Trumps valgløfte about a grensemur is an important kampsak for republicans, who fear that their voters can be desillusjonerte if the promise is not fulfilled before the election in 2020.

Trump threatens to “shutdown” if he doesn’t get 40 billion to grensemuren