There was a open question for more than 34’000 people in Switzerland, living on the British island: What happens to them after the 29. In March of the next year? Then, in the United Kingdom from the EU. And still, it is unclear how it is with the foreigners, who came here once, under the pretext of the free movement of persons into the country – the same free movement of persons, Switzerland, is not though connected to a member of the EU, for many years.

In this regard, yesterday brought to the Swiss Diaspora in the UK, good news: you are currently protected against the threat of a Brexit-turmoil better than migrants from Germany, France or Poland. The reason for this new agreement to which the governments were able to communicate in Bern and London. By the Federal Council on Wednesday approved and published yesterday the Text ensures the Britain-Swiss all the rights that you have purchased once by the free movement of persons and on the life time. This means in particular that they are allowed to remain in the country and furthermore their families follow suit. The same is true Vice versa, but also for the 43’000 British nationals live in Switzerland.

the agreement with Switzerland is, however, even if the British divorce vertragslos of Europe.

the Content of the new agreement is based closely on the outlet agreement to which the British Prime Minister Theresa May the EU has agreed. Here, too, it is provided that the rights of the already Emigrated. In a crucial point in Switzerland is, however, better. Whether Mays ‘Deal’ can enter into force, seems to be questionable, since he is fought in the British Parliament, vehemently. What are the consequences of a “No Deal”scenario for the UK, EU citizens living as well as the British had on the continent, is still unclear.

the agreement with Switzerland is, however, even if the British divorce vertragslos of Europe. On Bern and London have agreed expressly that in Case of “No Deal”, the Swiss-British agreement on the 30. March directly into force – true to the “Mind the Gap”strategy (“Notice the gap”), with which the Federal Council shall regulate the relations to the British as seamlessly into a Post-Brexit-the era would like to transfer. Last week, the government has adopted to this end, a trade agreement with the United Kingdom.

A pioneer

The Swiss, on the island of can the 29. March look forward to for the time being more relaxed than your included residents from the rest of Europe. In fact, the Swiss diplomacy, the Treaty on the stay seems to have rights to a pioneering success. The States of the EEA-Efta group, which are also the free movement of persons, are less. As the government in London announced yesterday, is with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein is still not a “No Deal”Arrangement. For this purpose, it was only in conversation.

Should approve, the British Parliament, the exit agreement with the EU in Other respects, however, it will remain for the time being. It benefited then also from the transition period, Brussels has negotiated with May. This means that the free movement of persons with the United Kingdom would remain until the end of 2020; the Swiss-British Agreement would only come in time after that to train. In the case of “No Deal” will be activated at the end of March, to a certain extent “prematurely”, before the Parliament could Express. Serious political resistance, however, are not to be expected on both sides.

The Brexiteers disturbing, particularly to migrants from Eastern Europe, less from Switzerland.

Trickier is the question of how Switzerland and the UK rules in the future, the immigration. For this purpose, the new Treaty contains nothing. According to the state Secretariat for Migration talks about a future immigration regime are currently under “”. Theoretically, it is conceivable that the British give the Swiss the privileged access: The Brexiteers disturbing, particularly to migrants from Eastern Europe, less from Switzerland. A new edition of the free movement of persons would be forbidden in this country, of course, because of the immigration initiative.

there Are no special rules, the Kingdom in the future the same Status as the countries of Africa or Asia. British workers could only be hired via third countries quotas – which is already tussled today, often violently.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.12.2018, 22:26 PM