rebels, Kurds, Turks, IS, Assad’s army and many other groups In Syria, many groups struggle with and against each other. Who could benefit from the US withdrawal, who loses? An Overview.

US President Donald Trump has surprised his allies with the announcement that all troops from Syria to deduct. He justified the immediate withdrawal of all 2000 soldiers, that they had fulfilled their Mission with the victory over the terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS).

The decision will change the relationship of forces in the conflict, however, is crucial and is likely to strengthen many of the opponents of the United States.


the Biggest loser of the retreat will be Kurds, the Syrian, which benefited massively from the US military aid. The Kurdish people’s defense forces (YPG) were previously considered part of the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF) to the tip of the spear in the fight against the IS, and were, therefore, of the US armed forces with air strikes and large quantities of modern weapons supported. This support allowed the Kurdish militia in the past two years to expel the IS-militia from wide areas in the North and East of Syria.

Today, it controls about a third of the Syrian territory, including the majority of Arab cities outside of the Kurdish settlement area, such as Rakka, Manbij and parts of Deir Essor. Whether they can hold these cities without U.S. help or wants is questionable. The Kurds are in control of currently the most important Oil reserves in the civil war country.

Turkey controlled areas in Northern Syria.


in Common with Syrian rebels by Ankara’s troops dominate an area to the North of Idlib in and around the city of Afrin. The Turkish army was here invaded in the spring, and had expelled the Kurdish militia YPG.

The government in Ankara interferes with always the US support for the YPG. They considered their presence on their southern border as a threat, because it is closely associated with the PKK, which since 1984 in the Southeast of Turkey, a guerrilla struggle. Only last week the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a new Offensive in Northern Syria. There is a US-stationed soldiers, threatened a direct confrontation between the NATO partners.

After a U.S. withdrawal, Turkey would have a free Hand. As a further gesture of good will was seen that the US government has recently approved the sale of Patriot missiles to Turkey.