“The parliament requires amendment of the law on the assistance,”

“the Parliament would soon see a change in the law which makes clear that assistance with feeding and breathing should be seen as basic needs and give the right to personal assistance and compensation for it.”

“the Requirement lands of the transitional government and its successor, regardless of partifärg.”

“the claim is a consequence of the parliament today to endorse the draft budget for health and social care. Questions about the carer’s allowance is a part of it. The parliament addressed a so-called notice to the government.”

“Even if it is the Conservatives and christian democrat budget option that controls decisions is the requirement of an amendment to the law concerning compensation for assistance with breathing and feeding something that the whole parliament endorses. It is not partiskiljande.”

“We welcome the Moderates and the Christian democrats put forward about the breathing and tube-feeding,” said Kristina Nilsson (S), the vice-chairman of the parliamentary socialutskott in a replikskifte on the personal assistance with the committee chair, Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD), when parliament debated the issue.”

“Ankarberg Johansson recalled that M and KD believe that the state should take a greater responsibility for the personal assistance, it should not be shared between the state, municipalities and county councils in the same way as in the day.”

“the Committee is shooting with the M and KD’s budget won to 350 million to the allocation for the state assistansersättningen. The money is needed , in assessing the committee, to cover increased costs as the law changes to breathing and feeding should be seen as fundamental.”

“A change in the law can, at the earliest, be in place by mid-2019. But the costs are very difficult to calculate and preparedness to shoot for more money.”

“the Christian democrats had a requirement of one five times as large supplements, but lowered it in the negotiations with M.”