A historic event today in the Swiss Federal Department for defence, civil protection and Sport (DDPS) on the stage. After 170 years of male domination, and after 23 years of SVP-leadership of the Federal Council, Guy Parmelin passes the command of the defence of a woman of the CVP.

Parmelin will have to Viola Amherd an office key and a few nice words, but zero period in your most important Dossier, the total renewal of the air defense. At least that’s the idea of Parmelin. “The two chambers of Parliament should treat the submission in the summer and the autumn session,” he said in an Interview with this newspaper. “The time is possible, you must submit the DDPS with the template in January to the Federal Council.”

in other words: Amherd. after taking office on 1 January only two or three weeks to form in terms of the plane-business to have an opinion.

call for a Time-out

to kick But now the leading CVP-politicians of their party colleague Amherd strongly advise on the brake. National councillor Ida Glanzmann accuses Parmelin, to his successor with a fait accompli. “He can’t just flee from the Department and then of its successor to require that you be a business that is so hard to find majorities, according to his ideas and to the Parliament.” So, as the business was in the pipeline, the risk Amherd a total crash.

Parmelin had provided for a referendum of the eligible planning decision: The Parliament and then the people should decide in a. decision on a financial framework of CHF 8 billion for fighter jets and ground-to-air missiles (Bodluv). In the consultation there was on this Plan in the summer, but wide criticism. However, at the 6. December agreed with the Council of States as the two entered a BDP-Motion, which requires a vote of Principle. This decision Parmelin interpreted as a sign that the majority in Parliament is standing behind his Plan.

security politicians, such as Ida Glanzmann warn, however, a majority in the Parliament is not at all guaranteed. The CVP-Ständerat Isidor Baumann advises Amherd, “that you deal with this business first, thoroughly, before any Decisions”. The key question is: What is the smartest way to find in the Parliament and before the people a majority?

In VBS is there is not, however, the view that there isn’t enough time to have the aircraft business of breaking up once again. In July 2018, the Department has sent the first requests for quotations to five fighter manufacturers in Europe and the USA. From April 2019 find at the military airfield of the flight Payerne of the Jets instead of trials. By the end of 2020, the Federal Council should cases, the types of decision. This schedule is necessary, as it is in the VBS, the old F/A-18 to replace Jets in a timely manner up to the year 2030.

Parmelins emergency brake

in Parallel to the technical Evaluation wanted to promote Parmelin the policy decision process: In the summer and the autumn session of 2019 National and the Council of States to discuss the matter, so probably in may 2020, the referendum could take place. A key element of this Plan is that the ballot prior to the rating decision goes beyond the stage. In this way, Parmelin wanted to prevent the vote campaign – is superimposed as the Gripen Referendum in 2014 – again discussions about the type of aircraft.

The SVP national councillor Werner Salzmann holds the decision for any other reason for urgency, namely because of 2030, the F/A-18 are at the end of life, and the replacement of permit, therefore no delay. In addition, future fighter jet pilots should be allowed to count “finally, the fact that Switzerland holds to the flight weapon, and thus the army”.

How Amherd is position, is open. In the VBS, it means that you have for your decision a little bit longer time than until the middle of January, but not for much longer: Until the end of February, the Federal Council had to transfer the template to the Parliament, otherwise, the time plan is a waste of time. Maybe Amherd is based on the model of her predecessor: Parmelins first big decision as a. VBS-chief he had made in March 2016, as he sank the former Bodluv project of his predecessor, Ueli Maurer.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.12.2018, 06:40 PM