Both president Allan Luplau, and the two vice-presidents, Janice Sillassen (Ingeniørforeningen) and Ole Helby (the Danish Association), resigned Monday as the conductive part of the board of directors in the Confederation of A-box.

It came to pass in the wake of the recent months of revelations about the reprehensible conditions in the upper part of the a-box management. Conditions that triggered a fyreseddel to the director of it all, Michael Valentin, in september.

The constituted director, Britt Dyg Haun, and secretary Line Verbik Byriel resigned also on Monday and leaves the deputy director Mette Gregersen as acting executive director.

Extra Magazine have asked a number of danes – including two members of the a-box – what they think about the past months of revelations.

The newly graduated sociologist Philip has just been in the Academic A-box, where he is a member. Have not going to switch a box, but refers to the latest revelations as ’bad style’.

– I think it is a very unfortunate case. And it is bad style. So I think it is fine that the president, Allan Luplau, is gone.

– It is just bad style, and I think it would be fine if they can shake up some things, and that can get a better direction on the whole, says Philip Viben Pedersen.

He seems, however, that the new leadership of the board of directors must have a chance to show what they can, and Philip has generally been ‘fully’ satisfied with their membership in Confederation of A-box.

Amalie Skov Bjørnsen, 28 years old, graduate in public health science, copenhagen, Amager. Photo: Anthon Unger

the 28-year-old Amalie is a member of Confederation of A-box and are concerned about the stories that have come to light.

Seen in the light of the latest revelations, I am concerned for, whether it is a scandal that is appropriate, among other members of the board, and how far down it goes in the system.

– however, I believe that a new board and it starts all over again, will be able to remedy it, and that there will be a change of culture. It has fortunately come to light, so now can there be done something about it, ” says the 28-year-old academician.

Marikka Vedelstjerne, 48 years old, in ressourceforløb and trained kjoleskrædder, Sydhavn. Photo: Anthon Unger

the 48-year-old Marikka is not even an academic, but she has followed the revelations about the conditions in the Academic A-box.

– I am thinking it is pamperi again-again-again. It is, of course, as you have seen so many times before now. However, it is surprising that it is in the Academic A-box, this happens, she says.

Marikka Vedelstjerne hardly believe that it is the last we have heard of problematic conditions in a-box, and she does not know, whether there is to be order in the proceedings with a new management in the board of directors.

– the Whistleblower schemes is a good thing, but I think the problem lies in the mentality in parts of the a-box. So many of the employees will probably not avail themselves of it, because they have registered themselves under the conditions that now even. Whether it is changing, time will tell. It depends on whether there is someone who has the balls to stand up and say something, Marikka Vedelstjerne.