“Stopping the sale of fireworks – for the animals ‘sake”

“to protect the environment, the animals and reduce the risk of accidents so stop byggkedjan NP Nilsson the sale of fireworks this year, writes the Local newspaper. “

“It is byggkedjan NP Nilsson, who has decided not to sell fireworks this year. The reason will be into account of the environment and the animals and that it reduces the risk of accidents.”

“– new year’s eve is a festive time in which we are so ready to celebrate. NP Nilsson was fyrverkeriförsäljningen a welcome sales during a week when the building materials do not have the largest focus. We understand that many customers are disappointed to have to shop somewhere else but we feel that this is a right decision for us, ” says ceo Fredrik Bergh in a press release, writes the Local newspaper. “

“the Company wants to be a part of a ”necessary development” to a more controlled celebration, they say.”

“It’s not our thing to direct regulation, but a possible solution had, of course, has been a regulated use to the specified locations and time,” says Fredrik Bergh.”