Niels-Christian Holmstrøm and Flemming Østergaard is with the warranty is not on the christmas card with each other.

The two are distinct personalities in FC Copenhagen’s history. Holmstrøm as in the past the KB profile, the sports director of FCK and long-standing member of the supervisory board in the Park Sports & Entertainment, where Østergaard in a number of years was chairman of the board.

But the two do not share the perception of how things happened during the ‘Don Ø’s term of office.

It revealed Holmstrøm in an interview with the, actually referred to the construction of the new KB-hall. Here, he delivered unsolicited, a long rant against his former president.

– Flemming Østergaard has never had a plan. He has stolen the idea. He is the one that will have the party in all the successes here, but dried bad on the other. Flemming thought that he had to control it all. He is a good seller, and he has done a good sales job here along with other incidentally.

– All that he ‘is/was’ the club, his løgnhistorie. He is a lystløgner of the worst kind, says Niels-Christian Holmstrøm.

But his criticism does not stop there.

– I have had a professional relationship with him, and as I said, he has done a good sales job, but he has NEVER had anything with it sporting to do. After he had made at the Time-the contract that went wrong with a big bang, cried he in three months. There, he came to me and asked me to help him.

– My only condition was that he never interfered in the sporting again. When he says that it was him who found Zuma f.ex., so is it another one of his lies, he says of the time with Brian Laudrup and Sibusisso Zuma of FC Copenhagen.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Flemming Østergaard, who in an email corresponds extremely short on the claw criticism:

‘It is possible that Holmstrøm want to write the story of FCK? Otherwise, I do not want of respect to FCK, and Holmstrøm to comment on an article on the so embarrassing low level. Good christmas’, writes Flemming Østergaard.

Flemming Østergaard is serving for the time a sentence of 18 months in jail for serious economic crime, according to he in 2017 was found to have engineered the PSE’s stock price.

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