Spotify could read 70 million people’s private Facebookmeddelanden. Netflix got similar access.

Sony, Microsoft, and Amazon got access to people’s e-mail addresses through their friends. The users were not informed. Everything was done by the agreement that was opened for access to the information that Facebook gave to the elect while they made a big deal of that the rules had been tightened to the.

from the New York Times and is based on hundreds of pages of internal documents that scrutinises how Facebook has signed agreements with other technology and media companies. (Spotify says it doesn’t have understood what access meant.) The companies got the data from Facebook. Facebook got help to attract the users. ”We never sell your data”, has been Facebook’s mantra since the early days.

No, sure. But will gladly remove them.

the Data crowns a year, which for Facebook can not be described as other than disastrous. Scandals and failures have, in 2018, stacked high in a such a rate that it has been difficult to keep up with. So, a brief recap.

• In spring briserade Cambridge Analytica scandal with full force. Tens of millions of profiles had been collected, and without permission used in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Something unique happened: the Revelation not only led to big headlines and outraged reactions – Facebook also got a beating on the stock market. In a few days had the equivalent of over 1,000 billion crowns disappeared. Facebook apologised.

• A säkerhetsblunder during the autumn made that unauthorized persons could reach 30 million persons information. 14 million was not only the name and contact details, even including the last ten places the person had checked in. Facebook apologised.

• the New York Times revealed how Facebook had hired a pr agency to secretly smear critics and competitors. Facebook apologised.

• A long range of roaming profiles jumped from Facebook. Among them, the founders of Instagram, which Facebook bought in 2012. It was a rare good deal, because Instagram attracts the younger audience that Facebook has been difficult to reach. Just what Facebook needed, those employees that Facebook needed. But the founders were not out. “A wise man leaves Facebook,” wrote the influential techskribenten Kara Swisher and pointed out the reason: That Mark Zuckerberg would put in all the time.

• There were more that were not. During the year, also co-founder of Whatsapp, which Facebook bought two years later. How did they end up? So happy that they abstained from the 1.3 billion dollars that the contract promised them if they had stayed longer. Shortly thereafter called one of them all to delete their Facebookkonton.

• Internally at Facebook are the work ethics in a free fall. In the year 2017 replied, 72 per cent of employees that they believe that Facebook makes the world better. 2018, the proportion had fallen to 53 per cent. At the same time believed just over half of them to Facebook’s future was bright. A year earlier the share was 32 percentage points higher.

• British investigators forced to internal e-mails confirmed how the high-ranking managers approved a cream to sensitive data, certain strong companies, while the competitors were closed out. “Yup, go for it,” said Mark Zuckerberg himself on the issue of a competing service would get throttled access.

• Facebook is declining in Europe. Användartillväxten in the united states is stagnating. Although it grows in other parts of the world, partly thanks to the settlements with local operators that make Facebooksurf free while others cost money – controversial then it can be considered to be contrary to the nätneutraliten.

• Facebook finally admitted the platform’s role in whipping up hatred against the minority rohingyer in Myanmar. Long after fördrivnarna, massflykten and the violence was deleted a couple of the worst accounts belonging to high ranking military officials. Facebook – yes, you can guess it – apologized.

by far the most disastrous year. And then, I have not even mentioned the aftermaths of the presidential election in the united states and Brexitomröstningen, where everything is more details about how Russia used Facebook to influence the selection transpires.

Mark Zuckerberg had an early motto that smells like sweaty Silicon Valley-pep long way: ” Move fast and break things”. If you do not pajar stuff as you move not fast enough, he enjoyed to say. If anything they showed this year what it means to paja stuff. And Mark Zuckerberg has talked about it as something good.

Read more: Facebook sued in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica-scandal

Read more: An account on Facebook is worth 9.000 sek per year