It’s Saturday night, 19 o’clock, and it is not now the Moment to buy a pair of Jeans. Or exactly the right thing to do. The H&M, mass fashion on three floors, is half empty. No Queuing at the booths, everything relaxed. Only the sellers (and the seller) have a jagged step. Without interruption you can hang blouses back to the bar, piles caps, grade sweater Size and color. To the next customer, the next customer pulls out the sweater. A work without end. Probably no group of people, we look more often to see you. “Actually, we are not people. Only inventory,” says Sibylle Kramer *. She’s 37 and for nearly 20 years, shop assistant, most recently as head of Department in H&M .

“I have developed almost a kind of people hate during my time at H&M. Maybe that is formulated to be hard, but Yes, it is dismissively treated. People have no respect. To us, the clothes. You’re gonna clean them, store things in the shelf, and you rip out everything again. Many people lose the sense of decency when they feel unobserved. They leave behind mountains of clothes in the cabins, sometimes on the ground, rum perhaps. It asks you to take the clothes out of the rich, you say: “That’s your Job.” True, but it would be a small token of appreciation to bring the goods in front of the cabin. Not on the shelf, otherwise it is at the end in the wrong place. I think Yes, men are more decent than women. The are glad, when they tell you that there is the T-Shirt in five other colors. Or that the Size does not fit. Women are somehow fixed. If you want a black Sweater, the. Unpleasant girl groups. You drag a bunch of clothes in the cabin, take photos, and joke, and at the end you buy nothing. Men often come with the girlfriend. Stupid, if you ask if it will fit. You say no, the girlfriend says Yes. Of course, you listen to the girlfriend. And you grab those thoughts in the head.”

The most popular gifts at Christmas are not clothes, but food and Sweets. This is a survey conducted by the consulting firm Ernst & Young shows. We also see that Swiss women want to spend this year a little less money (291 francs), for gifts than men (328 francs). Even 400 francs have placed families with children. Sometimes she’s surprised, says Lina Schönfeldt , how unimaginative clients in the purchase of Christmas are gifts. She runs a Lidl branch in the Eastern part of Switzerland.

“Prior to Christmas are popular household appliances. I find that amusing, because people will buy a battery hand vacuum cleaner, and ask if you can leave him in the same pack. Or a high-pressure cleaner. I would have given something like that, I would have to say: “Sorry, no thank you.” In the fall, we had a special offer for children’s skiwear, the mothers have taken me almost apart the Store. At the end of a 35-roaring children, who had no desire to ski suits to try on. I do my Job with heart and soul. In our store, the clientele is very rural. There are also some who are a bit more upmarket. I can tell by the way you enter the Store. Some have forgotten how to say “Good Morning”. There is the same call. They radiate this attitude: “I pay, so I get what I want.” The man in me you do not see. The irreverent me to this, I’ve learned over the years, the more important it is that I’m losing my decency. By the way, those who fight the hardest to 50 cents or actions, often those that don’t need to look at the money. Because they are accustomed to, what they are entitled to. Speaking of: Yes, it sucks when customers are looking for together minutes your coin. Real! I do not mean, of course, the older people who can’t help it if your fingers are stiff. But if a Young gets first to a second cash register and then forever in the wallet on the counter, I have little understanding. When the day for three, four minutes of Waiting at the checkout fails, it should ask what you did all day is wrong.”

As a customer, you will feel, as the last two months of the year were a single Shopping Trip. Only the action days Black Friday and Cyber Monday, then Sunday sales and Christmas markets. According to the Federal statistical office the Swiss retail trade in December alone, nearly 30 percent more sales than in a normal month. This year, the night falls Holy on a Monday. For retailers, this means the last sales strong the weekend before Christmas. For staff this means: once again, Sunday work. Francesca Schwander (53) Manor at checkout.

“We sellers a buy out of principle, never on Sunday. Last weekend I walked with my family through the city. Your shopping, I said, but me you do not bring in the business. I think Sunday sales is unnecessary. People do not buy very much, but take a stroll rather. I wonder why you go on a Sunday to shop and then get impatient when they must wait at the cash register. At the beginning of the month, the people pay with the big notes at the end of the month with the credit card. Or you return the goods and be nervous, because the money will only be credited two days later. 13. Month wage you can feel. This year, the parcel was weggespart service. Especially men who are a bit clumsy, angry the. You come up with a wish list and are glad, when you help them, the process. Personally, I’m not in the Christmas mood, I work up to the last minute. On Christmas eve, I would like to lay only feet high. This is of course not. So quickly under the shower and a strong Cup of coffee to drink. After Christmas, the people can redeem their vouchers or exchange the goods. The sell-off is almost a bigger Chaos than Christmas. Some want to negotiate with us the prices.”

The apprenticeship in the retail sector is among the young continues to be popular. According to the trade Union Unia, the detail is trading with around 26’000 learners of the largest providers of apprenticeships in Switzerland. The H&M saleswoman Sibylle Kramer says: you would today choose a different profession.

“I’ve heard that a customer said to the other: Look, you can get a good education. Not that you’ll end up as a saleswoman. And I stood next to it. After school, I would want to be an Optician, but my grades were too bad. The career counselor asked my mother: “does it Bother you if your daughter is the only seller?” This phrase has stayed with me. I am not ashamed that I am a seller. But my children are supposed to learn something Better. With more recognition, more reward. At H&M I work full-time as a Department head have earned, with eight to ten employees under me, 4600 francs gross. And thus a family of four fed. My husband was in charge of the children. I find it irresponsible that in the textile industry today, retailing, lessons will be offered. The has no future. Online retailers will all displace. Therefore, I am now working in a bakery. A loaf of bread must still buy in the Store. Here I have found the joy in my job again. I like the customers. Sometimes I go shopping in H&M. Even if it is annoying is that I find everything straight away.”

* All names have been changed (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 20.12.2018, 06:42 PM