“S politician: ”Shocked at how alarming it is””

“Voices are being raised that Sweden should take hold of the lack of sports facilities nationally. Now, open the social democrats to enter the sport in the plan and building act – something that is completely omitted in the day. “

“the Conservatives would, however, safeguard the municipalities’ self-determination.”

“Lawen Shipowners’ is the social Democrats ‘ group leader in the structures. She is well versed in the glaring lack of sports facilities in Sweden.”

” I was pretty shocked at how alarming the shortage is. In particular, cities are characterized by a tremendous anläggningsbrist, which has effects which are very serious. Secondly, it’s all about sport at the inconvenient time for young people, but also a climate of insecurity, in that the children will need to go far to participate in sporting activities.”

“”Generating increased ill-health””

“– When we discuss the plan – and building act the next time will we, as a party to express this need.”

“Will not this new direction too late? “

“– Seen in this development, you can’t say that anything has been done in time. We have been given a this condition by a certain reason, for that we have planned for this. It is costly for local governments to build large sports facilities. But it is equally costly to have a society with little physical activity, which generates increasing ill health.”

“– Sport is the biggest popular movement we have in the country. Of course, this is a movement we need to be sensitive to face.”

“Despite the sports movement’s size, why will this reaction only now?”

“– The last term of office we increased the allocation to the Swedish sports Confederation. We as a party think that sport is important for democracy, for young people’s meaningful leisure time, and public health. Then it is a municipal responsibility to plan as we expand. In the big cities is the construction of sports facilities a jätteutmaning. It is the tempo which is a big challenge.”

”Best not to bring it into the law””

“the Conservatives do not believe that a change in the plan – and building act is the right way to go. Instead, like the municipalities themselves caters to the need of sports facilities.”

“– It is a municipal issue. It is up to the local self-government. Each municipality know what their inhabitants need to be able to pursue the sport, says Lotta Finstorp is idrottspolitisk spokesperson.”

“It appears that some municipalities are not capable of it?”

” We think it is better to speed up the processes. Would bring additional requirements and guidelines in the plan – and building act, it would take even longer to get things done. The absolute best is, of course, if you do not need to enter it in the legislation.”