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the Rats rampant in the Lejre Municipality, as never before, and it costs expensive. In fact, it costs so much that the real estate tax rate will be raised in the municipality.

It writes TV2 Lorry.

Since 2014, the number of reviews about rats more than doubled, and therefore reacts to the municipality. It explains the mayor Carsten Rasmussen (S) for Extra Magazine.

the Technique and Environment committee has had a rotteplan up and supply, in relation to who to choose for pest control, and it is this, which is going to cost. We do not start by asking whether you think that we need to fight the rats or not, he says of the raised tax.

Previously, citizens have paid 0,058 per thousand of the property’s assessment to the pest control strategy, and the figures are now rising to 0,156 per thousand. In practice, this means that homeowners now have to pay 156 dollars per. million, as their property is assessed to the.

– even Though someone will say that it is a terrible, that it increases, then I believe that the vast majority of the citizens in the municipality will appreciate that they don’t get a visit from the rats, says Carsten Rasmussen.

Despite the increased efforts and believe the mayor Carsten Rasmussen-is not possible to put a final end to the rats. Photo: The Lejre Municipality.

the Camps of the Municipality increased rotteindsats implies that there are employed three rottebekæmpere rather than the one that has been so far. In addition, they begin to use traps with GPS and rottehunde.

– It is almost the same, as we know from narkohunde, so they can sniff the rats up, says the mayor.

in Addition, can rottebekæmpelsestjenesten now be contacted during weekends and holidays, like the municipality increases the focus on to provide information on pest control and prevention to affected citizens and their neighbors.

financial information – 26. apr. 2017 – at. 11:26 Danish rottekonge scores box: the company Sells for big amounts

the Mayor do not believe, however, that plans can put an ultimate end to the rats in the Lejre Municipality.

– Whatever you do, rats do not udrydes. What we believe and we hope with this plan is that we can keep them in the sewers, so they do not come up, and that we can limit the number of rats in the houses, he says.

The increase in real estate taxes shall enter into force on 1. January 2019, and it will appear on ejendomsskattebilletten, how much you pay for pest control.

advice: Stop the rats from getting into – and out

Faldrørsudluftningen is a pipe connected to the house afløbsinstallation, sticking up of the roof, and counteracts the negative pressure in the afløbsinstallationen. Faldrørsudluftningen have direct access to the sewer and is one of the most frequent causes of rats in the house. Make sure, therefore, that there is a small grid at the end of the pipe so the rats can’t get up the road. If there is a grid, you can shape a ball of chicken wire and put down the pipe. Set of evs. hønsenetskuglen in the fasten by putting a screw across through the pipe and through the net, so the rat can’t push it up.

Hedges, climbing plants, trees and the like shall be cut down, so they are at least 70 cm from the roof and gutter. The closer, can rats climb up the shelter of the bushes and into the house.

the Rats can climb up to the gutter and the roof, through the downspouts and get into the house via tagenden. Therefore it is a good idea to put the rolled-up hønsetråd into nedløbsrørene. Form a small roll of hønsetråd that fits into the drainpipe and stop the down into the top of the tube. You can also use a leftover thread-havehegn.

Usually there is a water seal on all drains, rats only rarely will go through. But in older homes can siphon lacking, and here it is a good idea to put afløbsristene fixed with screws, so the rats can’t push them up and enter the house that way. A rat can lift up to 1,2 kilo on its way up!

If the rats repeatedly come up through your siphon, can rottespærrer be the only solution. They cost between 2,000 and 3,000 kr., and you need to pay.

When you feed the birds, feed you just as much rats. If you would like to feed the birds in your garden, so just hang mejsekugler up in a short leash on a thin branch, so the rats can’t hold on to the branch. Feed never the birds on the ground.

Rats like hiding places. So avoid the mess and building materials especially up at the house.

sewers, drains and nedløbsbrønde dense? Is ydermurer, doors, windows and the roof close? Is ventilationsriste in socket and the wall the whole and made of a material that rats cannot gnaw through, for example galvanized steel?

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