A new document CNN has gained access to, proving that president Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to proceed with negotiations to build a Trump-skyscraper in Russia.

despite the fact that the attorney Rudy Giuliani on Sunday claimed that the document never was signed.

It was a real estate project. It was a document about the intention to continue the process, but it was never signed, he said, according to the TV channel.

The document in question is dated 28. October 2015 and is signed by the president himself and by Andrei Rozov, the owner of the Russian eiendomsfirmaet that should stand for the development of the building.

Trump has kept hidden for the public that his company explored business opportunities with the Russian federation under the presidentkampanjen in 2016. Instead he has claimed that he had nothing with Russia to do.

This was a project we carried out. I didn’t do it. There had been something wrong if I did it. There was a strong possibility that I did not win, and in that case I would have gone back to businesslivet, and why should I lose lots of opportunities?, Trump previously stated.

Would give the penthouse in Trump tower to Putin Lucrative agreement

the Project, which was not something of, would among other things have given the company a forhåndssum of nearly 35 million Norwegian kroner and a percentage of the sale and control of marketing and design, writes CNN.

Russia-the investigation has also uncovered that the agreement would have been lucrative for the Trump organization.

at the same time as the agreement regarding the “Trump tower” in Moscow was on the table, talked Donald Trump positive about working with president Vladimir Putin in order to minimize Russia’s aggressive military moves around the world.

Testified against the father

In 2017, stated Michael Cohen, who were Trumps bedriftsadvokat at the time, to the Senate etterretningskomité that Trump had signed the memorandum of understanding. In the same committee the witness also Donald Trump Jr. that his father had signed.

Cohen admitted in a federal court in Manhattan in New York city in november that he last lied when he said that the Moscow skyscraper was put on ice in January 2016. Instead, he argued that it was discussed until the June of that year, about the time when Trump was appointed to the republican presidential candidate.

In august, said Michael Cohen guilty in banksvindel, withholding and income tax and illegal valgkampfinansiering. He got three years in prison.

Trump accused of having used the foundation for personal and political gain