“100 days to brexit and no one has a clue”

“a Hundred days remaining until the brexit, but no one has a clue what will happen.”

“Prime minister Theresa Mays new tactics to try and scare Brussels to more concessions is doomed to fail.”

“My tip is that the EU agrees to postpone the deadline for brexit.”

“the Mays orders to the various ministries that at a cost of 25 billion plan fully to the Uk crashing out of the EU without an agreement is a last-ditch attempt to save the brexit-the agreement that she negotiated with Brussels.”

“at the same time it is an open threat to both Brussels and their own unruly parliamentarians that if they do not change their positions, is the disaster for the door. For the Uk, it means financial ruin to leave the EU without an agreement, at least for a number of years to come. But it would be a hard blow against the EU and many of its member states. All would lose on it.”

“in Addition, such a scenario would almost certainly end up with a uk election and a big risk that the labour party would take over the political power.”

“the Mays problem is that very few take her threat seriously no matter how much the media reports about the risks of stop of air traffic, miles of lastbilköer at the borders and increased unemployment.nSkälet is the only option as there is a majority in the british parliament is to stop a avtalslös crash out of the EU.”

“So even if both the british and the EU now make up contingency plans for a avtalslös divorce, neither of them seriously think on that option.”

“In Brussels is leaning more and more in the year to May will be forced to hold a second referendum on the brexit. A vote that could end with Britain leaving with Mays agreements or to brexit is not getting off at all.”

“the Uk is facing its perhaps the most momentous decision since the second world war but still acting the country’s leadership as if it were crippled. May has postponed the vote on the brexitavtalet to the middle of January in the hope that the time pressure to get the critics within their own party to get scared, change their minds and vote for. The chance of that happening is minimal. Equally small is the chance that the EU will agree to renegotiate the agreement.”

“When Mays agreement is voted down in parliament a few weeks into the new year remains only just over two months until the british should leave on 29 march. Without that there is a solution.”

“In this situation, it is likely that the british, out of pure self-preservation requests to get more time and the same reasons to move forward with the deadline, perhaps six months or a year. Enough time for the british to be able to hold a new referendum in which the population can take a stand for the Mays agreements but for which the option may well be to remain within the EU or a softer brexit after the model of Norway.”

“the Press on May increase with each passing day. The business, normally the conservative party’s next friend, complaining increasingly loudly about it doesn’t know what will apply and, therefore, can not prepare.”

“In a joint statement, talk of the British federation of industry and a number of other heavy-industry organisations not at the words when they criticize how the question of brexit handled.”

” the Business community has with the horror seen in a while politicians indulged in internal fraktionsstrider instead of taking the practical legal steps that business need to get clarity. The hundred days remaining is not enough time to avoid serious disruption. Instead of investing money and increase productivity forced the companies now redirect the money to the contingency planning.”

“A total sawing must be felt all the way into the marrow of a conservative party and government.”

“the EUROPEAN court of justice ruled last week ruled that the british can at any time withdraw its decision to trigger the article 50 on withdrawal from the EU. Something that further increases the pressure on Theresa May to pull the emergency brake before she let the country go down in an uncertain abyss.”