This has a historic opportunity to do something for our climate. No småparti have ever had so good forhandlingskort that the Sector now has, ” says Bård Vegar Solhjell to the Newspaper.

– If This actually prioritizes climate, so they can get to a lot. But it must be done now, he adds.

WWF-boss has extensive experience in SV and a good knowledge of the political tug of war. He hopes Kjell Britain Ropstad and the rest of the Sector understand how good the cards they have on hand if the party should negotiate to become a part of Erna’s government.

the Government has an enormous amount to win to get into the Sector. Then the country suddenly a majority rule, and Erna Solberg has achieved his political project. Therefore know all affiliated to the government that they must give a lot to the Progress of the klimafronten – partly because the “red side” of the Sector must be met with great acceptance.

on Wednesday, it was clear that the Sector is ready to take the step, from the less formal regjeringssonderinger, to regjeringsforhandlinger with the Right, the political Right and Left.

” We got very clear requirements from the stortingsgruppa and the central executive committee, the Progress can not go to the government for any price. We must have significant support in important fields, told Kjell Britain Ropstad to Dagbladet on Wednesday afternoon.

He meted out a range of issues that are important in negotiations: Christian heritage, barnereform, a lift for the family and global responsibility on climate change and poverty.

KrF can move Norway

Solhjell says the climate must be given high priority by the Sector.

My message to the Sector is that they must grab this opportunity with both hands. They can move the Norwegian climate policy many steps in the right direction in just a few weeks of negotiations.

There’s also a huge responsibility for the KrF?

– Yes, and it adds I like on the KrFs shoulders, says Solhjell, who adds that it is now, not in six months, the climate policy must be:

– If This goes into the government, one uses the no longer the Parliament to obtain a majority in the cases. The platform that will be adopted in the negotiations is the Norway’s new policy. This must be reflected now.

– What ministers should Progress require, speaking with your klimaøyne?

– the progress party sits on almost all the ministers that matter for climate. It should Better do something with that, ” says Solhjell.

Sjokktilsyn on skandaleplattformen: – A matter of time before someone dies out there Kravlista

WWF-the boss recalls that in the fall of 2018 has been an autumn characterized by concern for the climate. The report from the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change was released 8. October, the same day that Siv Jensen (the progress party) presented a proposal to the central government budget for 2019. The result was that the report is well on the way drowned in the news.

– But those who read the report could see a world that is not near to reach the goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees. It is very serious.

Solhjell kravliste to KrFs forhandlingsdelegasjon are on seven points:

Create a klimabudsjett that makes it easy to follow the level of utslippskuttene. – We need to make emissions just as well as we fit on our money, ” says Solhjell.Norway must begin to measure the climate risks at all oljeprosjekter and other major government decisions.Remove oljeskatten that allows the state today, taking large parts of the risks of oil exploration. – In the day pay the taxpayers for an oil policy, which increases emissions. It must be Better to start the change, ” says Solhjell.Ensure CO₂ capture and storage in Norway.Electrifying Norway. – The progress must conduct on maritime and aviation what we have already done on the car, ” says Solhjell.Take care of nature, preserve naturmangfoldsloven and increase the focus on protecting the forest.Raise the goals for klimakutt. Norway’s current climate targets do not control for a warming of 1.5 degrees, turn Solhjell fixed.

All of these requirements – is it realistic that This will get the coalition parties on this?

Absolutely. Some of these requirements have broad support and are relatively easy to implement. Others are more controversial and will require priority at the negotiating table. But then we are back to the good cards Ropstad and the Progress has.

– Oljeskatten is difficult to do anything with?

– Yes, it is the enough. But it is also very important to change. And it is the reason why we have the climate and miljøpartier in the government – that they should get the green light that means something, not to get symbolic victories. KrF has also Left to play on, and I would also like to stress that one should not underestimate the Right either. There are many with great dedication for the climate in the Right.

Oljas future in Norway

– If This gets the green light for the seven points, when we keep our part of the Parisavtalen and we save the world from certain destruction?

– No, there is still more that needs to be done. The biggest change is all about oil to get into the debate now.

So you want that Progress to stop all oil production, you?

– No. Not on the day. But I think that in the course of a few years the problem around the oil be turned on its head. Then I think we’re going to talk about how quickly we can get to a reorganisation of Norway, so we are spared of the risk of being so heavily dependent on oil.

“The green shift”, I believe Erna Solberg calls the situation there?

– Yes. The future, the biggest question is: How quickly can we readjust ourselves from oljeavhengighet to a fossilfritt society in order to safeguard welfare and jobs in Norway. The work must begin now, and Progress has an incredibly good opportunity to put in place a climate policy that the future will show that was absolutely necessary and incredibly important. It is very crucial times we live in.

– do you Have a last goodbye to Kjell Britain Ropstad?

– Yes. Good luck to you, Kjell Britain. We are counting on you.

Oljeskatt for a new time Debate