“The liberals: You commit a mistake, M and KD”

“the Debaters: To lay down Jämställdhetsmyndigheten is a giant step backwards.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. At the new year of 2018 started the new Jämställdhetsmyndigheten in Gothenburg, that the Liberals have been the driving factors for. Now, not even a year later, this authority critically endangered by the closure. “

“When the parliament voted for the Conservatives and christian democrat budget, this meant that the authority be instructed to cease all activities. It is a bleak irony that this was decided almost on the day, 100 years after the riksdag’s decision on women’s suffrage.”

“We in the Liberal party are highly critical of parliament’s decisions. The signal will be to Sweden lowers its ambitions on the field of gender equality. Great concern in civil society, as well as among other authorities and different professions. The concerns we share. “

“Then the Swedish gender equality policy emerged in the early 1970s, the constant achilles’ heel has been the lack of endurance. Ad hoc projects and initiatives have succeeded each other. The deficiency has been remedied by a permanent authority. “

“At the Jämställdhetsmyndigheten work today around fifty employees with expertise from all samhällsfält. It is police officers, prosecutors, military personnel, social workers, public-health specialists, human resource specialists, university and journalists. They are in the process of building up a stable work for increased gender equality. “

“But now is threatened with a series of important activities of the settlement. All funding is lost for the missions to spread knowledge and information about men’s violence against women, honour related violence and repression and violence in same-sex relationships. Already this is a real step backwards.”

“Likewise pulled the appropriations to the work against prostitution and all forms of trafficking in human beings. Prosecutors have already raised the alarm about the serious consequences this may, not least for the ability to quickly coordinate assistance to the victims. “

“Under the alliance government began a wide work to support the state authorities’ work with gender mainstreaming, i.e. that gender equality issues should be included from the beginning in all performance management where relevant. This mission, as well as a corresponding mission to support universities and colleges with gender mainstreaming, was taken over in 2018 of Jämställdhetsmyndigheten. Now turns off the light even for this work.”

“The players who pushed through the closure of the Jämställdhetsmyndigheten were opposed to the authority at all was created. But they will be the answer required when it comes to how gender equality policy will otherwise get a long-term approach. They take no responsibility for the consequences when they casually decide to choke off funds to the operations against prostitution and trafficking in human beings or men’s violence against women. “

“Our party, the Liberal party was born out of the fight for equality and for men’s and women’s equal rights. We have been the engine behind most of the reforms that made Sweden come a long way on the route towards a more equal society, and we do not intend to reduce speed. “

“An expert authority is an important part of the strategy for shaping a gender equality policy that is long-term, sustainable and knowledge-based. Therefore, the need Jämställdhetsmyndigheten. “

“the Liberals will continue to work to the deeply unfortunate parliamentary decision on the closure shall be changed. “

“nMaria Arnholm, party secretary and jämställdhetspolitisk spokesperson (L)nHelene Odenjung, the first vice-chairman (L) and mayor 1st deputy chairman of the GöteborgnBarbro Westerholm, member of parliament (L)”

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