78-year-old Kalervo Oksanen said that his removal was by force of the Tampere Ikea restaurant at the end of October. Ikea, according to the workers found the man’s behavior of aggressive and other customers distracting, which is why she was escorted out.A retired man told me that he removed the hard out of Tampere Ikea. The archive image. Eriika Ahopelto/AL

the 78-year-old retired man Kalervo Oksanen said that he was transferred by force of the Tampere Ikea food line at the end of October. He had come to the restaurant to eat with a friend earlier in the week of birthdays as a result.

I Stepped toward the food cart with my, when suddenly I was caught up out of tight arm grip food instruments fall to the floor, he describes.

Oksanen told, I couldn’t prepare for the situation at all, as the guard took her report, according to catch him from behind.

I Tried to inquire about the reason to catch the pass when in a tight arm grip always another layer of the top of the stairs, but the answer I received, Oksanen said.

choose your food cool on the

Oksanen according to day was busy in the restaurant. Distributing food to the poking, and portions completed, because French is not completed at a sufficient pace. Therefore, some portions were left on the counter to wait.

the Man told pointed out that he had food to cool down on restaurant workers. He waited for the dose to his date about five minutes when another dose of cool to the table. When Oksanen received the dose, he told said he aloud, ”at last”. It was, according to him, the restaurant staff too. Food served person removed from the kitchen to the back room and soon the guard took him behind closed so that the cargo flying.

Oksanen told me that when he tried to return to pick up the table sitting in the old, bad legged friend, a security guard prevented him from traveling back to the restaurant and said that he removed the aggression. Oksanen said that acting aggressively.

I Pointed out exactly the words that my friend’s food to cool it.

as we leave the Ikea security guard followed us outside the door, he said.

He asked still in customer service, that can meet the director, who arrived to the lobby the two security personnel. The director promised that the matter should be clarified, but Oksanen is not received still no answer. He told me he had been on several occasions in connection with Ikea, and the shop promised to be in touch with him.

Annoying me that that’s the way to go so just to catch up. I feel that it is a taboo in Finland that this has happened. My friend freaked out the case very hard.

Ikea comment

Ikea Oy, the Tampere department store manager Vesa aspen bay told me, that spot was the restaurant staff, according to the male customer became upset and began to insult the employees when faced with the wait for the rations to be completed.

Workers found the man’s behavior to the extent of aggressive and other customers harassing, that decided to summon the guard. The guard assesses the situation after talking with the man.

–the situation, the man had behaved aggressively and threatened the guard. Threatening and harassing behavior continued in the guard’s decision might guy out of the store. Situation the inconvenience caused by the male customer objected to the removal of the call strongly, and that’s why he had to walk out, aspen bay comments.

aspen bay according to the corresponding interference situations are very rare, and they aim to solve the always on-site staff and, where necessary, with a security guard.

I’ve been the customer in connection with personally and been with him a case of going through on two occasions as well as face-to-face stuff in the house that over the phone, aspen bay said.

aspen bay stresses that Ikea customers and employees safety and comfort are of primary importance.

–we Are still open to discussion, if that person wants to continue to investigate the matter with us.