The Juso Initiative “Züri car-free” course is a complete car not a ban in the city of Zurich. Therefore, the Initiative was valid and could be brought to a vote. This is the Shortest summary of the recent judgment of the Zurich administrative court.

city and district Council as well as the bourgeois and middle-parties had represented a contrary opinion: the primary law will be broken in the Initiative, the Initiative was not implemented. Therefore, they should not come before the people.


stay Different the court: The Federal law requires that municipalities “, certain areas of the traffic available”, it means in the decision of 5. December 2018. You are expected to bring areas that were previously dedicated to the traffic, an “other purpose”. Of these roads except by speed.

The court gives the Council right in one sense that the city should impose no indefinite, General ban on driving. But: you may adopt, taking account of the parent cantonal and Federal Law is quite bans and restrictions, particularly with respect to neighborhood streets. “There is no reason, why not also a complete exemption from motor vehicles should fall on the parish roads under the area of Autonomy”, as stated in the judgment.

The Juso cheer

“From an almost insurmountable impracticability cannot be assumed in the case of the present Initiative (…) and (…) concern, therefore, is not to be referred to as a obviously unfeasible ( … ),” concludes the court.

“We are glad, is not bowing to the cantonal administrative court in front of the car lobby”, Nicola Siegrist, Co-President of Juso, city of Zurich, in a communication quote. “The urban population has the right, on a car-free Zurich vote.” The judgment is a pleasure for the Juso, therefore, very.

tug-of-war between the city and district Council

The Initiative was submitted in August 2017, the city of Zurich’s young socialists. They demand that the city area is exempt from individual motorized transport. Remained allowed some exceptions, such as for the public TRANSPORT or the trades.

The left-green city Council had a left-green requested the municipal Council for the Declaration of Invalidity of the Initiative. The Parliament did not follow, however, and said the Initiative “in dubio pro populo” for valid. The district Council has been turned on, based on the city Council.

The municipal Council moved the decision 64:47 votes further to the administrative court, which referred to the opponents of the FDP, SVP, GLP and PPE as “very questionable” and “incomprehensible”. The Juso made a complaint against the district Council’s decision. SP, the greens and the AL had argued in Parliament, there is a need for such a question a court decision.


Created: 19.12.2018, 12:21 PM