scientists discovered in Panama, a blind worm that resides in the soil and also buries. This new entity needs a name, which is why an auction was held. Ultimately the highest bidder – the company ENVIRO build from the UK London 25’000 US-Dollar for the name flipped. The Name of the animal: Dermophis donaldtrumpi.

The company justified the name so that the little creature (about 15 cm in length) was threatened because of global warming, extinction. “And because Donald Trump in the case of climate issues and stick your head in the Sand, we came up with this name,” said company co-founder Aidan Bell of the BBC. In the Tweet the company is intentionally drawn with a sharp pinch of Satire on the similarities of being with Trump.

The new creature discovered in Panama. (Image: Abel Batista/Rainforest Trust, UK)

The leading scientists agree that man is responsible for global warming. The American President sees it differently, and complained that scientists would pursue the issue of climate change is a political Agenda.


Created: 19.12.2018, 09:19 PM