“To the 18-year-old I stopped on the road 10. Please be so good”.

To open the Ohio politibetjentens ektefølte call to tenåringssjåfører which is now moving US around, and discussed, among other NBC News and the Washington Post.

the Invitation comes in the form of an open letter published on the North Ridgeville police Facebook pages, and originate from a currently anonymous polititjenesteperson.

the Message of the open letter is, however, abundantly clear.

Shared 80 000 times a

With the 532 well-chosen words tells the open letter, a story about an 18-year-old driver, who was taken in the 160 km/h in the 100 zone on the road 10 in Ohio.

the Post has been shared almost 80 000 times and it’s been written over 6100 comments to the post.

“I choose to believe that you were minutes away from causing a unevnelig juletragedie when I stopped you”, writes the commissioner, and adds:

” … you were well on the way to take the life of another innocent person who kept on with his, and who did no other wrong than to end up in front of you”.

it Further states that the 18-year-old claimed he was not aware how fast he was driving.

“It is a lie. It is possible you don’t realize it when you run 70 km/h in 55-sona, but you are completely aware of every single km/h (mile) in the 160 km/h. You realize that every time you hit a dump”.

Was afraid

Further describes the politibetjenten how 18-year-old was scared when he was stopped, how the body’s his shook and how he breathed heavily.

“Unfortunately, you were afraid of one minute late and of the wrong reason.”

Then comes the politibetjenten to the reason that he writes the open letter.

“I can tell you several dozen stories about the dead and broken 18-year-old bodies that I have dragged out of the cars. Broken bodies that I’ve found in the gardens after car accidents. Unrecognizable bodies. They also believed that they were invincible. It was the not. They were gone, so they missed the part when I had to tell their parents that they were dead. Parts of your soul disappears every time you need to tell parents that their children are dead”.

“slow it Down”

Furthermore, the type politibetjenten again about the 18-year-old he stopped.

“You seemed like a nice youth, who had made a bad choice. I have no bad conscience for this closing at all. I’m actually proud of it. I hope you are using months to pay off it, and with each installment, you’re probably thinking that this was not worth it.”

So ends the open letter:

“slow it Down. Please be so kind. You are not invincible. I promise”.

the Face of the Washington Post has not the police wanted to comment on the open letter.