(Obi.no:) Estate Norway’s forecast for the Norwegian housing market in 2019 shows an increase of three per cent.

Through large parts of 2018, there have been many bruktboliger for sale. At the same time has the activity been at a record level, which illustrates the solid purchasing power of Norwegian households, commenting on the adf. director of Property Uk, Christian Vammervold Dreyer in a message Monday.

He refers to the stable developments in the Norwegian economy, which suggests that 2019 will be a good year for Norwegian consumers with a secure labour market and solid wage growth.

– This indicates that there will be high demand in the housing market also in 2019, ” continues Dreyer.

Read also: How house prices in 2019

Predicts the weak inflation

Right now, it is according to the managing director, Hedda P. Ulvness low activity in the market, where the number of impressions and sold homes is halved compared with the end of november.

– This is normal. December is, combined with July, the month of the year with the fewest number of transactions, ” she says to the Obi.no.

– In the new year lifted often the prices, which are amplified throughout the spring. Chief economist in the Eika Group, Jan L. Andreassen, has stated that he believes børsuroen will destroy for January-jumped in years. What are your thoughts, do you?

I’m pretty sure rise in prices in January. Historically, January has had an average price increase of 2.6 per cent in the last five years. There is much that suggests that the same will repeat itself in 2019.

If the growth were to fail, it will in the case, according to the Own boss be caused by several conditions, such as store sales volumes, rentefrykt, reducing population growth and moderate wage growth.

The turmoil on the stock exchange come into play as a significant single factor on the overall housing market she has less faith in.

– Normally, it is so that børsuro affects boligtransaksjonen in the high-end market. Our brokers have experienced a strong high-end market in the year, where there is rift about the most expensive housing, while it goes slower in the cheaper segment. It is also a rare phenomenon, normally it’s vice versa, ” says Ulvness.

– How do you see the housing market 2019 in general?

I believe in a balanced and stable housing market, with a reasonable transaksjonstempo and a slight rise in prices. My hope is that 2019 will be the year without big surprises, neither in the form of significant forskriftsendringer or large unknown rentebyks.

Will curb the purchasing power

Partner and real estate agent Camilla Sem in Sem & Johnsen experiencing the current housing market that selectively.

– It is important to praise the objects as correctly as possible, ” she says to the Obi.no, and expect that January and February are better months than it is at the end of the year.

Interest rates will probably not up as much as we thought for a half a year ago. It is positive, but we have, however, the Government’s increase of taxes and fees, for example, bomavgifter, eiendomsavgifter which is the confiscation of disposable income, and that will have a dampening impact on people’s purchasing power. How much it will affect the housing market is, however, difficult to say.

The most important thing is, according to the broker that it is the best possible balance in supply and demand.

– Generally, I think that the time for the galloping prices is over for this time, but it is a sunnhetstegn, end Sem, which sees 2019 as 2018.

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