Belgium’s government head Michel has unsuccessfully promoted an Alliance of good will. His announced resignation is likely to exacerbate the crisis. Eagerly looking now to the elections in may.

The political earthquake in Belgium is not over yet for a long time. Prime Minister Charles Michel stands in front of a pile of broken glass. The liberal head of government has now also failed with the attempt to form after the end of the previous four-party coalition a viable minority government. In vain Michel had campaigned for an Alliance of good will, to be able to use the Opposition to the parliamentary elections in half a year.

“I accept the Situation”

climate protection, purchasing power, safety should be the projects for the next few months. With his request to back cover, Michel was fired, however, in the case of the Flemish and French-speaking socialists. The had announced, instead, together with the Greens a vote of no confidence against the current Cabinet.

The vote on, Michel was then. “I am sorry to say that I was not able to convince the Parliament with my call. I accept this Situation and have decided, the king my resignation.”

is The Belgian head of government, Charles Michel, offers his resignation.

government crisis because of a migration Pact

The ruling Alliance in Brussels was one and a half weeks in the dispute over the migration Pact of the United Nations is broken. The right-wing Flemish regional party N-VA had left the government in Protest because the three other coalition partners will agree and the Prime Minister, Michel the Pact.

the N-VA Is the overthrow of the government satisfied? No, says N-VA’s parliamentary leader, Peter de Roover. He didn’t want. “I really have no euphoric feelings,” he said. “We would have liked in the government a compromise on the Pact of Marrakesh, and then our economic and social program to continue.”

“Truly a shame”

Very similar to the Flemish liberal Democrats see this. Also, you would like to have made. “We wanted a government project that is good for Belgium that would be good for the purchasing power for the economy, for more Jobs,” said party leader Gwendolyn Rutten, “and it really is a shame that we failed.”

Michel irritated

However, Prime Minister Michel had a previous Alliance partner with its charm offensive to the left of the middle – to put it mildly – quite surprised. For blaming the wrong time, but is now Deputy Prime Minister Kris Peeters of the Flemish Christian Democrats says. “I think that we must stop the buck-passing game,” he said. The Situation was much too serious. “The Brexit is not yet done, the collective negotiations are not done yet, and this is also true for many others.”

is The Belgian head of government, Charles Michel,

Leads to more government business?

Early elections, in spite of the current crisis is not a done deal. It is more likely that the government leads the current business. It is important that the Prime Minister has visited the king, says John Crombez, the leader of the Flemish socialists. “This means that the Chance on re-elections is smaller, and the majority of the groups said’ Yes ‘ that you have actually no interest.”

Over the resignation of Prime Minister Michel king Philippe has not yet decided. The Belgian head of state can make it even a little bit of time. Because the head of the government with his resignation announcement is a vote of no confidence came before, the Parliament with all the powers, first in the office. Regularly, the Belgians should vote for in the coming may, a new house of representatives – the same time as the European elections. The election campaign has already started.

government crisis in Belgium: Premier Michel offers resignation
Stephan Over the river, SWR, Brussels
18.12.2018 23:35 PM

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government crisis in Belgium, and Stephan Over the river, SWR Brussels |audio Belgium government migration Pact, 09.12.2018 UN-break the UN-migration Pact triggers government crisis in Belgium, 09.12.2018 Atlas |Belgium |Brussels
