The Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel, has announced his resignation. He will go immediately to the king, said Michel on Tuesday evening at the Parliament in Brussels.

“I made the decision to declare my resignation,” said Michel in Parliament on Tuesday in Brussels. Shortly before the social Democrats had made with the support of the Greens, a motion of censure in Parliament. With him, Michel should be asked, within 48 hours of policy changes.

the Background of the announced withdrawal is a ten-days-long government crisis. The nationalist regional party N-VA, the Flemish-speaking North of the country, had left the government a week and a half, because of the Francophone wanted liberal Michel, to approve the UN-Migrationspakts to Marrakech travel.

No support in Parliament

Michel continued with a minority government. He had understood that his Plan with the minority government in the Parliament is not a support, said Michel.

His liberal reform movement (Mouvement Réformateur/MR) had seats together with the Flemish liberals Open VLD and the Christian Democrats (CD&V), only 52 of the 150 Parliament. An early re-election of Michel refused. In may 2019, is elected in Belgium anyway on a regular basis.

The UN-migration Pact adopted on Monday of last week, delegations from more than 150 countries at a conference in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. Therein global guidelines for the international migration policy are agreed for the first time. (sep/sda/afp)

Created: 18.12.2018, 20:33 PM