“Putin: Invite more to kärnvapenavtal”

“Russian president Vladimir Putin is open to invite more countries to the agreement on disarmament INF – in order to save it.”

“the united states has threatened to withdraw from the agreement if you believe that Russia has secretly developed robots that violate it.”

” Yes, of course there are some difficulties with the agreement. Other countries that have short – and medeldistansrobotar are not even with, ” says Putin at a meeting on the Russian defense ministry.”

“The Russian president accuses even Washington has already violated the agreement.”

“the united states suspect that Russia is secretly developing a medeldistanssystem for cruise missiles to be fired from the ground and provide the opportunity for a violent, racially motivated conflict with nuclear weapons against targets in Europe. Moscow has consistently denied any such breaches against the agreement.”

“– Russia has violated the agreement in many years. I don’t know why (president Barack) Obama not pulled out of the agreement, said the Trump, then.”

“Nato’s 29 member countries made a joint statement in which they urged Russia to”

“Russia will respond”

“Vladimir Putin is now proposing that more countries are invited to the agreement, which according to him, fulfils a stabilising role.”

“– But what prevents us to start talks on their accession to the existing agreement or to negotiate a new agreement, says the president.”

“He denies that Russia is in breach of the contract, but warns that you with ease can create land-based medeldistansrobotar, if the united states would leave the INF treaty.”