The socialist cabinet has a plan.

A secret plan.

Of the plan, it appears, who should sit on the ministerial positions, if the Party wins power.

– It would be frivolous, if not I now sat and prepared me for the time after elections. Both in form and content, says Mette Frederiksen in the DR2 program ‘from the Inside with Anders Agger – leader of the opposition.’

– Then somewhere in a file on your computer, thus, there is a ministerliste?, ask the host.

– Not inside on the computer. We should not animate somebody to steal your computer. It is not in there. It is located in a different place, says Mette Frederiksen.

along the Way of program takes from in addition, Henrik Sass Larsen, in defense, and concurs in his criticism of the political journalism.

– There is no exciting political discussion more in Denmark. There is a, ‘what will you do about it’, øgh, øgh. 20 seconds. It gets we not a better society, says Mette Frederiksen and simulates that she is holding a microphone, as she forces in the mind of a politician.

In the program you see how Mette Frederiksen’s people have already planned the campaign from day to day. And we see how she takes the S-train into town from his new home north of Copenhagen.

the Program has come out just as the incumbent prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, also participate in a meet-man-behind-the politician-application in the DR context.

In ‘An uncommon life’ follows the camera, Lars Løkke bl.a. on the way in the swimming pool with his daughter Lisa and in spare time at home in the kitchen with mrs Sólrun.

along the Way, get the prime minister also made fun of former prime minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen’s familiar way of speaking, and the viewer gets insight in the considerations about the attention-grabbing picture where he is waving to a F16-hunter from an open flydør. Lars Løkke also writes about his flyvinkeri in its advent calendar on Facebook. Look at the bottom of the article.

It is also a look with, since the Loop calling and asking Eva Kjer Hansen, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen and Tommy Ahlers of the will be ministers.

If you should be in no doubt, is 2019 in truth an election year.

Mette Frederiksen on the bus ride. A picture we come to see a part of in the election campaign, according to the DR program. Photo: Jonas Olufson